The South English Legendary | ||
Ne be[o] a man ȝute so sori ne issriue so clene
Ȝif he is ȝute in wanhope al nis worþ a bene
As Iudas was sori inou þo he hadde misdo
And iknewe to al þat folk and ssrof him also
Ac for he wanhope hadde up oure Louerd þat is so hende
He wende to þe pine of helle & worþ wiþoute ende
& þei a man be[o] sori & issriue & wiþoute wanhope also
Al it wol be[o] lite worþ bote he is penance do
Ac many wolleþ bigynne wel after hore ssrift anon
And [bileue] al hore fole þoȝtes & to no folie gon
Ȝif he is ȝute in wanhope al nis worþ a bene
As Iudas was sori inou þo he hadde misdo
And iknewe to al þat folk and ssrof him also
Ac for he wanhope hadde up oure Louerd þat is so hende
He wende to þe pine of helle & worþ wiþoute ende
& þei a man be[o] sori & issriue & wiþoute wanhope also
Al it wol be[o] lite worþ bote he is penance do
Ac many wolleþ bigynne wel after hore ssrift anon
And [bileue] al hore fole þoȝtes & to no folie gon
Ac anon so Ester is icome þat hy habbeþ fleiss itake
And eteþ raþe & eke late such þoȝt hi wolleþ forsake
Ac hi vareþ as deþ þe blod hond at bigynnynge of þe ȝere
Þe smul haþ wel of euerich best of hare & ek of dure
Ac wanne þe hauþorn bigynneþ to blowe al it is forlore
For swotnesse of þulke flour þe smul þat was biuore
And eteþ raþe & eke late such þoȝt hi wolleþ forsake
Ac hi vareþ as deþ þe blod hond at bigynnynge of þe ȝere
Þe smul haþ wel of euerich best of hare & ek of dure
Ac wanne þe hauþorn bigynneþ to blowe al it is forlore
For swotnesse of þulke flour þe smul þat was biuore
The South English Legendary | ||