University of Virginia Library

Esclandar went oway fleinde,
Toward her ost fast prikeinde;


Þurch þe bodi he bar a trounsoun,
Wiþ boþe honden he held him to þe arsoun.
Boþe bifore & eke bihinde,
Þe blod gan out fast winde,
His helme in þe on half honginde,
& his visage al bledeinde.
His scheld to held hadde he no miȝt,
He drad him to dye anon riȝt.
To þe soudans pauiloun he come,
Þe soudan him bi-knewe anon:
‘Esclandar, when comestow?’ seyd he;
‘In strong fiȝt þou hast y-be.
Were þou alon at þe cite?
Say me who haþ þus wounded þe?’
‘Sir,’ quaþ he, ‘ichil þe telle
Of hard tidinges wel snelle:
Y-lorn þou hast þe amiral Cosdram
Þat leuest þe was of ani man,
& þe king of Turkie þou hast forgon,
Of hem no tit þe neuer help non.
& alle þe best men y-bore
Bifor þe cite þou hast forlore.’