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Philomythie or Philomythologie

wherein Outlandish Birds, Beasts, and Fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely. By Tho: Scot ... The second edition much inlarged

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Man, Angell, nor the Fiend of Hell,
Can Mans heart see, search, and tell,
That God alone doth vnderstand,
Closing all thoughts within his hand,
He better knowes then Priest, Iudge, Scribe,
Who gaue the last cause-carrying bribe.
He sees, when sentence goes awry,
Where the hidden ground doth lie.
He knowes if it be true or no,
The doubtfull witnesse sweares vnto.
He markes the Iewrie and their leader,
And obserues the lying Pleader.
He notes the Councell what they doe,
And the Kings heart searcheth too.