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A book for boys and girls

or, Country Rhimes for Children. By J. B. [John Bunyan]

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XLII. Upon the Sight of a Pound of Candles falling to the Ground.
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XLII. Upon the Sight of a Pound of Candles falling to the Ground.

But be the Candles down, and scatt'red too,
Some lying here, some there? What shall we do?
Hold, light the Candle there that stands on high,
It you may find the other Candles by.
Light that, I say, and so take up the Pound,
You did let fall, and scatter on the Ground.


The fallen Candles to us intimate,
The bulk of God's Elect in their lapst State.
Their lying scatt'red in the dark may be,
To shew by Man's lapst State his Misery,


The Candle that was taken down, and lighted,
Thereby to find them fallen, and benighted,
Is Jesus Christ: God by his Light doth gather
Who he will save, and be unto a Father.