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The Shine of Justice and Mercy together in Certain other Miracles
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The Shine of Justice and Mercy together in Certain other Miracles

When curst Licinius did wars prepare
Against his brother Constantine
Armed troops of men, of Constantines, repare
March through Licinius' Cities fine
When Constantines elsewhere did shine.


When Constantine against the Byzants went,

Twice beate before, he ahead espies
The sign o'th'Cross by Stars in heaven thus pent
By this sign ore all Enemies
Do thou obtain thy Victories.
Hermannus saith when Constantine assignd
The Churches all their Tithes a shout
Or Voice i'th'aire was heard, this out then chim'd
This day there's Venom all about
Into the Churches poured out.
Malleolus asserts an hand was seen
I'th Lataran, write on the Wall
He'l Venom on the Church out poure most keen
To day, and so it was. This all
There present saw and red i'th'Hall.
It's said to be the day Great Constantine
Did Antichrists foundation lay
When by his gift he's Empire did assign
To th'Pope, which the we do gainsay
For Constantine gave't not away.
After the Vintage time Constantius was
At Antioch, yea late i'th' yeare
With Julian, welcom'd with Grapes, sweet trash
And rain dropt on his robes while there
And others, little Crosses cleare


When Julians brother Gallus Cesar'd was
Then Julian seeking Quizzards to
And seing a grim Demon raisd, alas
He's almost out of's wits scard so
Then to the sign o'th'Cross doth go.
The Demon seing this away doth high
The Wizzards Chide him for the same
Doth tell him that the Demon thus did fly
Not from the Cross but in destaine
To what he did: and this was plain.
An other time in pagan wise he peeps
Into mans intrails to espy
The End of Christs religion: and there meets
The sign o'th'Cross surrounded ly
Within a Crown. This griev'd his Eyes.
His Wizzards said the Doctrine of the Cross
Should Circle like no end obtain,
But Crowned ever be, But to its loss
The Master Wizzard did mentain
That they in prisons should it strain.
He in fond hopes to proove Christs word a ly
Great sums of Money gave the Jews
To build their Temple up; they leap for joy
And now to Carry't on they muze
In sulking o're the Christians use.
They two brave temples and more many do
Hack at Damascus down indeed
At Gaza and at Ascalon also
At Berytus they so proceed
And for their building flock with speed.
Timber, stones, Brick, Clay, Lime and other things
The Emperour on them bestows
They, Mattocks, spades, Yea, silver Baskets bring
Fall on the work, th'dust out throws
And Rubbish out a pace now goes.
Yet God them Counter-buffs, an heape of lime
Some thousands of full measures were
All scatterd thence, Yet on they goe: its time
They finde the old foundation there
And on't a new one up they reare.
But loe by night an Earthquake rose, up spews
Their stones o'th'old foundation laid
And all things with the buildings neer down threw
Slew many quite, and some half dead made
Broke Legs, and Arms off others that there stay'd.
They not dismaid yet at Gods angells shown
A fresh fall on the worke again


But fire from heaven, or balls of fire out thrown
Burnt many workmen up with flame
Tooles, Axes, hammers, stuffe for the frame.
This fire continude burning all the day
Did their materialls all destroy,
At night the sign of th'Cross the skys display
And in their Cloaths in darksom dy
Crosses inprinted there, did ly.
These Crosses they to wash and wipe out tride,
But could not: then some did profess
God angry were, and unto Christ they hide,
Others still blindness did possess,
Went sour away, with shame oppresst.
But to dispatch Curst Julian a War
With Persia calls him there to go
An Earthquake stops his hast, yet when this bar
Remov'd he went, the Skies then throw
A fireball him to overthrow.
The day before his fall an heathen judge
Watching before the royall Hall
At Antioch saw Stars inheapt to budge
This sentence legible to all
To day in Persia Julian falls.
At night a friend of his, that elsewhere steeres
Upon a journy took to him
Lodgd in a Christian Oritory, there
Not finding Welcome in the Inn,
And wake or sleep, he sees this thing.
There of th'Apostles met and Prophets many
Bewaild the Princes Shamefull geere
Towards the Churches and Consult if any
Might something do, perplext they were
Then two stand up, bad all good cheer.
Then hastily they as to overthrow
This Julians Empire left the rest
The man amaizd his journy slackt, and so
Another night that place possest
And Cogitations filld his breast.
And sleeping there he saw the Court again
Convene to which and suddenly
Those two as from their journey entring came
And told the rest immediatly
That Julian now slain did ly.
The self same day, Learnd Dydimus a man
Of Alexandria's Church, did fast
Griev'd for the wickedness of Julian


Against Gods Church and nought would tast
The following night thus it he past.
But sitting in his seat fell in a trance
And in a rapture saw appeare
White horses in the Aire that course and prance
And riders on them very cleare
Like Haraulds Crying loudly there.
Tell Didymus that Julian is slain
This very day about this time
He hearing this arose, did eat again.
To Athanasius the Divine
Declard the same that truth might shine.


In Gratians sixt year a strange star did rise

Nigh Lucifer, whose beams shown cleare
And to it flockt a troop of stars likewise
Which like a swarm of Bees appeare
About their Leader Clinging there.
Then Light as from their mutuallity
And strong assault, from all did shine
Mixt in one Flame vanisht immediatly
And turnd into a dreadfull sign
An horrid, hugh, sharp sword that time
The other stars receding to that sight
That one alone which first was spide
In its whole shape shown like the Root aright,
Like that one star in shine, beside
Like a light Matchcord-flame, up't hide
About this time Proude Nilus sweld so high
As if it would all Egypt drown
And it did swell mens fears Exceedingly,
Lest Alexandria's brave town
And Lybia it would throw down.
When that the Bakehouse Hall at Rome so vile
Hem'd in with Taphouses and stews
(The Bakhouse being under ground) did spoile
Many a man, by wicked Crews
Who did their Visiters abuse
For through a privy way they oft Convay'd
Their guests into this Bakhouse den
Where they were kept to grinde, and therefore stay'd
From ever going out agen
And never heard of more by men.
Brave Theodosius the greate had one
Of his stout men cought through this doore
Whose sword cut out his pass. He this made known
The Emperour destroyd therefore
The Bakhouse stowd with theeves and whores


Another filthy trick at Rome was this
They tooke her that was taken in
Playing the Whore and forc'd much worse amiss
They beastly use in Stews, and ring
A bell while there they do the thing.
This wicked Custom this good Prince thus neckt
Made laws against adultery
And worthily did Crush to good effect
Such beastly things as did ---nny
Th'Imperiall Seate of Italy.
And when he grappled with Eugenius
The Traitour who seemd to prevaile
His holy prayers to heaven up thus
Almighty God thou knowst I 'saile
This War in Christs name not to fail.
That Wickedness may meet with vengeance just
If not take vengeance on me then:
If in good Cause and in thyselfe I trust
Stretch out thy hand lest heathen men
Where is their God do say and ken?
And rising up, Captain Macurius
Routed the routing throng again
A storm arose, blew back the darts, shot thus
By's foes into their face amain
And those his Cast till th'foe fell slain.
And thus we se Gods glorious sparkling shine
By various Providences gleam.
Though sometimes Clouds do seme to dim the time,
Yet soon the Beams of justice beam
With Wisdom, Patience, Grace a stream.