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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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Son. 2.

[Houres mis-employed, evanisht as a dreame]

Houres mis-employed, evanisht as a dreame,
My lapse from Vertue and recourse to Ill,
I should, I would, I dare not say I will,
By due repentance and remorse redeeme.
Love's false delight and beautees blazing beame
Too long benighted haue my dazled eyes.
By Youth misled, I too too much did prise
Deceaving shads, toyes worthy no esteame.
Plungde in the tyde of that impetuous streame,
Where fynest wits haue frequent naufrage made.
O heavenly Pilote, I implore thine aide!
Rescue my Soule, in danger most extreame:
Conduct mee to thy Mercyes Port, I pray,
Save Lord; oh let mee not bee cast away!