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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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An admonition to the Soule to watch.

An admonition to the Soule to watch.

Poore sillie Soule, thou sees not how are set,
Thy fatall foes, about the in a Ball,
The Feind, and Flesh, Thee in the gyues to get,
Of lothsome Lust, and pleasures sensuall,
They will obiect, All what, may frame thy fall,
And cast before, the Beautie for a bait,
Opinions strange, fals, and hereticall,
Promotions, Riches, Honour, and Estate,
All what they can, find out for to defait,
And with thy God, to get the in disgrace,
They will essay, each secular conceit,
To hold the from, thy heauenly Fathers face,
Heirfore on him, prepare the to depend,
He onely may, the from thy foes defend.