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The poems of John Audelay

Edited with introduction, notes and glossary [by Ella Keats Whiting]

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Pater noster qui es in celis.

The pater noster to expone, may no man hit prise,
Þat of prayers is pris and most fore to prayse;
I rede þou rede hit a-ryȝt and out of syn ryse,
Þat may restyng in heuen vnto þi soule rayse;


Fore seuen poyntis þer bene in e-set in asyse,
Þe lest salue hyt is to þe synn as þe boke sayse.
Oure Fader þe wyche þou hart in heuen, þis oresoune þou yse;
Ay e-halouyd be þi name in angyr and in ayse;
Sanctificetur nomen tuum,
Say whe þe same,
Oure Fader þe wyche þou art in heuen halouyd be þi name.
Te secunde princepal poynt is of paradyse,
How we schuld pyn vs to pray after þat [pl]ace,
Fore vche a herd þat is here mai hold fore hyse,
Þe Lord þat harouyd hel wil He in hert hase.
Bot ȝif þou wyn þe þat won I hold þe vnwyse,
Fore wele wantyd þer neuer non seþyn hit wroȝt was;
Into þat courte fore to cum, be hit þi couetyse,
Þat þe kyngdam of heuen is callid in þis case.
Adueniat regnum tuum,
Þi kyngdam vs come,
Þis is þe secunde poynt al and some.
The þrid poynt to expownd þat is most playne:
Let penans perce þi syn out of þi soule playne;
Þe foreward at þe fonston to fulfyl þou schuldist be ful fayne,
And not in foundyng to be as þe wederfane,
Bot to abyde at his bone and at his bidyng be bayne,
Boþ in bale and in blis abyde at his bane;
Þer-fore his wil to fulfil þou schalt þi soule wayne,
And let þi warlouys werkys out of þi soule wane.
Fiat voluntas tua sicut in celo et in terra,
Fulfilde be his wil,
Ryȝt in erþ as in heuen with good and with ylle.


The forþ poynt is of þe flesche and of þe soule fode,
To pray þe Fader of heuen vs fore to fede,
Þaȝ þou hadyst hallis of golde hit þe behouyd,
And ale we haue hit of hym þat lytyl takyn hede.
Furst we aske þe bred He boȝt with His blood,
Seþyn þe blisse aboue His body can fore-blede,
As þou art ryȝtful Lord rent on þe rode,
Reche us our oche days bred þis day as we rede.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie,
Our oche days bred,
Lord, þou reche vs to-day; þou art our soulis rede.
When þou hast fraystud þe fyrþ, to þe fyft fare,
Þou schalt hit forþeron in þi hert and ful sone i-fere,
And cri arde vpon Crist to keuer vs of care,
As He was crownyd on þe croyse, with a voyse clere;
And be ware of þat word þat þou hit wele ware,
Ellys vnborne þat þou wore, better þe were.
And foreȝef vs our det þat doþ þe soule dare,
As we our dettys foreȝifþ fore þi deþ dere.
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus,
Foreȝif vs our dett debitoribus nostris,
As we our detturse foreȝifþ, we bid no bet.
The sext poynte of þe sevon þat I of syng
Is most helpe to þe soule, in saw and in song,
Þat God our Fader ouse lede into no fowndyng,
Þat schulde our forward vs let heuen fore to fyng;
Ne fore no lykyng ne no lust wyle we schulde here lyng,
Makust to leue þat lyue þat last schal so long,
Ne fore no want of þat wele to wepe ne to wryng,
Where warlawys waltyrne in here wo fore here mekil wrong.
Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem,
Fore þi Godhede,
Into no fowndyng of synne þat þou vs neuer lede.


Bot delyuer vs from losse boþ erle and late—
Þis last poynt fore to lerne harmus bot lyte—
Fro al maner of mys þat wold vs here mate,
þat neuer no males ouse mare more þen a myt;
Þe bale þat is brewyn here with blys þou abate,
Þat neuer þe blase of hel to our soule byte;
And at þe day of our deþ þat settis no date,
Þe deuyl be doles of vs how-so he dyte.
Set libera nos a malo, amen.
Fore dowte of þat den,
Lord, to lyuer vs from alle eu[e]lus, amen.