Poems by Robert Gomersall | ||
And now O Father, once more I repaire
To thy great presence, O thou onely Faire,
(Who dwelling in the light that none comes neere,
Canst not be seene of us, because too cleer;
To whom created beauties if compar'd,
Ev'n such as have the wisest eyes ensnar'd,
Are nothing but Deformity at best,
Durt somewhat better colourd then the rest)
Instruct my youth, O teach that I may know,
What mischiefes lurke under a seemely show;
What a sweet danger woman is: O thou
To whom the knees that doe not love, doe bow,
Whom all obey, ev'n such as have no sense,
Who doe not know their owne obedience;
Whom all obey, ev'n such as doe goe on
In a perpetuall Rebellion,
The Spirits accurst: Grant me, that chastly wise
I enter into Covenant with mine eyes,
Never to looke on Woman, not to see
What would perswade my soule to forsake thee,
To make a God of flesh: But if that I
Forc'd by Temptation, or Necessity,
Must see my Ruine, yet thus much, O thou
Whō my soule loves, & would more, knew she how,
(For his deare sake and worth, in whom was found
Onely a place, no reason for a wound)
If I must have the sight, yet I require
I may at leastwise not have the desire,
If I must see, let it be to despise
So shall my heart be chast, if not mine eyes.
To thy great presence, O thou onely Faire,
(Who dwelling in the light that none comes neere,
Canst not be seene of us, because too cleer;
To whom created beauties if compar'd,
Ev'n such as have the wisest eyes ensnar'd,
Are nothing but Deformity at best,
Durt somewhat better colourd then the rest)
Instruct my youth, O teach that I may know,
What mischiefes lurke under a seemely show;
What a sweet danger woman is: O thou
To whom the knees that doe not love, doe bow,
Whom all obey, ev'n such as have no sense,
Who doe not know their owne obedience;
Whom all obey, ev'n such as doe goe on
In a perpetuall Rebellion,
I enter into Covenant with mine eyes,
Never to looke on Woman, not to see
What would perswade my soule to forsake thee,
To make a God of flesh: But if that I
Forc'd by Temptation, or Necessity,
Must see my Ruine, yet thus much, O thou
Whō my soule loves, & would more, knew she how,
(For his deare sake and worth, in whom was found
Onely a place, no reason for a wound)
If I must have the sight, yet I require
I may at leastwise not have the desire,
If I must see, let it be to despise
So shall my heart be chast, if not mine eyes.
Poems by Robert Gomersall | ||