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Meditations. Memoratiues. By Elizabeth Grymeston

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De profundis clamaui ad te Domine.

Even from the depth of woes,
Wherein my soule remaines,
To thee in supreme blisse,
O Lord, that highest raignes,
I do both call and crie.
It's deepe heart sorowes force,
That moues me thus to waile:
It's pity Lord in thee,
Must make it to auaile.
Thine eares therefore applie.

If strictly thou, ô Lord,
Obserued hast my sinne,
Alas, what shall I do?
What case them am I in,
If rigour thou extend?
But well, ô Lord, I know
Sweet Mercy dwels with thee:
And with thy Iustice then
It must expected be:
And I therefore attend.
My soule doth wait on thee,
Thy grace confirms my trust,
My warrant is thy word,
Thou keepest promise iust:
Keepe me, ô Lord, secure.
Let thy afflicted flocke
Comfort in thee retaine,
From dawning day to night,
From night to day againe
Let still their hope endure.
There is with our good God
Much mercy still in store.
Redemption doth remaine
With him for euermore.
Abundant is his grace.
His people he afflicts
He will not leaue distrest,
The thralled he will free
With ease of their vnrest,
And all their faults deface.

All glory be therefore,
O Father, vnto thee,
And so vnto the Sonne
The like great glory be,
And to the Holy Ghost,
Such as it woonted was
Before the world beganne,
Such as now yet it is,
And euer shall remaine,
Aboue all glory most.