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Sonetto. 28.

Sonetto. 28.

[Was Io watch'd by Argus in the downes?]

Was Io watch'd by Argus in the downes?
What did not then the winged god inchaunt,
The heardmans eyes, obaying Iunos frownes:
What needes loues crosse so much to make her vaunt,
The brazen tower could not his valour quaile,
Who scorn'd that Danae should liue a maide:
Loues inward force gainst enuy will preuaile,
And hap what may: his lawes must be obayd.
What though fayre starre thy glorie is obscur'd:
And cou'rd with a thicke and foggie cloude:
Yet Titan when he hath the heau'ns invr'd,
Will cleere the stormes which fatall frownes did shrowde.
And though that fate abridgeth our delight,
Yet time I hope will cleare this cloudie spight.