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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Oh! that he coulde rightly, reade the Scripture, for his learning/
And discerned the Euell, wherto he doth so cleaue:
And ; wherto God created him; did likewyse perceaue.

Yet speaketh Lamentacion.

And so then had a Lust ; with all his Hearts intent;
To learne ; in humble maner; to stande obedient,
Toward Gods liueing Woord, as his Cleernes doth requyre:
And euenso Gods Trueth, did knowe, and still desyer/
Then were he

Iohn [illeg.]. Rom. 6.c.

set-free, from all the Deuils Bands.

And Peace should-ther bee, likewyse in all Lands.
For ; by Gods Understanding; were then all Gouernment.
O eternall Wisdom/O heauenly Gyant omnipotent/
Make knowen now vnto mee (like a Prouident discerner)
Wherfore the Man hath thus,

Deut. 32. Esa 1.a. Ier. 2.c.

reiected his Preseruer/

And also his Saluacion ; that heauenly ioyfull Crowne;
For Men may playnly see, in eury Citee and Towne/
Nothing-els byt Ignorance, to haue the Dominashon.
Also, the Man is Unregarding, in Tryumphing-fashon:


And Good-thinking hath likewyse, captiud his Heart ful-strong.
So that after Gods Trueth, he doth not rightly long.
Oh/Pinching-pangs, this Sorrow breaks my Hart.
Oh! that it mought now, chance to me for my part
That God woulde rayse-vp, the Understanding, vnto mee:
And cleerly discouer, the Trueth, that I mought see,
Wherfore the Man remayneth, thus plaged euery-waye:
For the Mans Calamitee, doth much my Heart dismaye.
And I am throwly greeued, euen inwardly, therfore.