University of Virginia Library

Psal. vii.


o iehoua my godd I haue recourse to thee

preserue me from purseuaris all & als deliuer me


that as â lyon bolde he reaue me not auay

asunder tearing me that lakis one that rescours me may


ô iehoua my godd if I haue done it all

or if that suche iniquitie into my handis did fall


if under freindshippis clooke I hairmed in any cace

(but by the contraire him preserued quho causeless did me chace)


then lett my foe purseu ourtakking me I say

that proudlie tramp into the earth my breathing lyfe he may
& that he may uithall so uith my glorie mell
as into uyle & lichtest dust he mak the same to duell


in thy consuming uraith then michtie lorde aryse

raise up thy self for to repress my foes that me despyse
& cairfully auake attending ouer me
since plaine it is all iudgement iust prescryuit is by the


& quhen of nationis great the bandis thee compass shall

then for thaire saike returne unto thy hiest place of all


the lorde doth iustice giue unto the nationis sure

then iudge me lorde according to my iustice great & pure


& euen as all my mynde to richteousness is bent
so lorde declaire it since thou knouis my mynde & hole intent


putt end I pray the to the euill of uikkid men

that thou may stablish firme & sure the iuse & upricht then
since that most iustlie are by thee searched out & socht
the myndis & hairtis of euerie one & euery secret thocht


the lorde he is my tairge repelling any dairte

quho doth preserue the richteouse all & upricht into hairte


euen godd the iustest iudge the lorde of strongest micht

quho uexis all those uikkedd men still on both daye & nicht


bot if for to conuert the uikked uill not heare

then lett him sharpe his shearing suorde & bend his bou uith [OMITTED]



& sett him self to shoote & deadlie armes prepaire

& fedderit arroues readdy makk for his assistaires thaire


yea lett him as uith chylde both trubbill breid & paine

or lett him trauellis great conceaue to beare but lieing uaine


yea lett him digg a pitt & hollou hoke the same

yett sall he fall into the pitt he did for otheris aime


returne shall on his heade his trubbill & his paine

& on the hiest bone thairof his urong shall licht againe


thairfore uill I extoll & praise the lorde of micht

according to his iustice quhich in him is euer picht
& also uill I sing for nou for euer & aye.
iehouase noble name to be most gloriouse euerie uaye.