University of Virginia Library



I sit in sorrow by the watery gates,
A-questioning the Fates.
I ask: “What manner of strange ships are these
Slipping adown the seas?
“Slipping adown the slanting seas—what sail
Is yonder—calm and pale?”
Then the Fates answer me: “That goodly bark
Braving the waters dark
“So fearlessly—the cross upon her mast—
Is Trust, come home at last.
“Yon quivering craft that veers and puts about,
Is the long-cruising Doubt.


“This dancing galley that the waters mock
Shall strike upon the rock;
“'Tis Chance, a pleasure yacht; her ribs shall bleach
Upon the blistering beach.”
Yet still I see a flamelike, shining cloud,
And eager cry aloud:
“That other sail that waits upon the wind—
What is her name and kind?”
To me the Fates: “Though lying still and wan
She shall approach anon;
“So nobly manned—with any gale to cope—
Behold the trusty Hope.”
“Quicken the winds, I pray you, worthy Fates;
In her are stored my freights!
“Nor am I fit for life of any sort,
Till she shall reach the port.”