University of Virginia Library



This was published and copied in newspapers throughout United States, several months before Admiral Dewey came home from his Manila triumph. The author had the privilege of seeing his prophecy fulfilled, and of witnessing the wonderful welcome given to the ocean-warrior at his home town, Montpelier, Vermont, on October 12, 1899.

Vermont Farmer's Version.

Dewey's comin! load the anvils! fill the welcome-cup!
Comin' back of 'Pelier, whar he hed his bringin' up;
Comin' from the torrid zone, an' the battle's brunt—
Fetchin' us a history—his pictur' way in front!
Wabblin' under praises more than he can count,
An' goin' to bring the whole thing back to old Varmount!
Yes, they'll try to spile him, when he gits as fur as 'York:
Give him linen napkins, an' a silver knife an' fork;
Speechin' him an' preachin' him, an' tryin' to explain
Somethin' that he knows already—how he walloped Spain;
Showin' him the Brooklyn Bridge in reg'lar welcome-trim,
Tryin' to make out, p'rhaps, they built it all for him;
Feedin' him on china, for his breakfas', dine, an' sup;
But you wait till he's in 'Pelier, where he hed his bringin'-up!
Yes, it's somethin', these here honors thankful people give,
In the towns an' counties whar he didn't use to live;
Nothin', you will see, though, the hearts of townsmen melts,
Like a townsman's honors he hez picked up somewhar else!
Ain't no room fur jealousy, when they thus advance:
“All of us c'u'd done the same, ef we'd hed a chance!”
Let 'em give him gilded houses, fur a splendid prison:
But when he lands in 'Pelier, all the village will be his'n!
Folks'll come from all p'ints—a hundred miles may be,
To view the hill-bred sailor that is hero of the sea;
Island-born an' prairie-born the contrac' often fills,
But fur somethin' more'n unusual, try the everlastin' hills!


Men'll turn their backs to the mountains fur to see him,
Boys'll sprout ambition, an'll wish that they could be him;
Ol' maids they will wonder how they ever came to miss him,
Galls'll sort o' flutter, an'll wish that they could kiss him.
Ol' Seth Warner's honored ghost'll haste to see the show,
Brave Remember Baker'll be among the first to go;
An' it's tol'ble certain, that before the spree is done,
Colonel Ethan Allen'll be up from Burlin'ton.
But George won't turkey 'roun' no more, I'll bet ye, ten to one,
Than in days when he wa'n't nothin' 'ceptin' Ol' Doc Dewey's son.
Dewey's comin'—fire the anvils! drain the welcome-cup!
Comin' down to 'Pelier, whar he hed his bringin'-up;
Dewey's comin'! wave the banners! string 'em all about!
Comin' down to 'Pelier, whar he form'ly started out;
Bringin' new geogeraphies, a year or less in age,
That's got his pictur', true as life, right on the openin' page!