University of Virginia Library

VII. The Body of Divinity Versifyed.


A GOD there is, a GOD of boundless Might,
In Wisdom, Justice, Goodness Infinite.
[Heb. XI.6. Psal. CXLVII.5. CXLV.9,17.]


God is but ONE, & yet in Persons Three
The Father, Son, & Spirit, One God we see.
[1 Job. V. 7.]


Our God, by His Great Name JEHOVAH Known
HE the World Made, and Keeps, and Rules Alone.
[Neh. IX.6.]


To Glorify the Glorious GOD, is That
For which He did all Men, & me Create.
[Isai. XLI. 21.]


God a Just Rule doth in our Bible give,
A Rule, both what to Think, and how to Live.
[2 Tim. III. 15,16,17]


Holy & Happy our First Parents came
From Gods Hand, with Gods Image in our Frame.
[Gen. I. 27.]


Tasting Forbidden Fruit our Parents fell;
This Taste has plung'd Mankind all down to Hell.
[Rom. V. 12]


Our Blest Lord JESUS CHRIST, in our Distress,


Comes to fetch us from Hell to Blessedness.
[Luk. XIX.10.]


Into His Person, the Bright Son of God
A Virgins Son took; There he makes Abode.
[Isa. VII. 14.]


Life as a Priest CHRIST will His People bring,
Light as a Prophet, and Law as a King.
[Psal. CX.4. Acts III.22. Isa. XXXIII.22.]


For us our Surety Liv'd, for us He Dy'd,
And Rising did to Heav'n in Triumph Ride.
[Phil. II. 7, 8, 9.]


By Faith to CHRIST we for Salvation go;
Faith too, as well as That must He bestow.
[Eph. II.8.]


For Sin will the renew'd Believer Mourn,
And from all Sin, hee'l by Repentance Turn.
[Acts XX.21.]


Sinners receiving of Gods Pardon, they
Gods Precept will, made Saints, with Love Obey.
[Tit. II. 12,13,14.]


All Homage we must yield unto the Lord;
In all Directed, by his Heavenly Word.
His Works and Names, we may not use in Vain;
Nor by our Works thereon His Days profane.
With Honours due we must our Neighbours treat;
And sweetly wish them Lives both Long and Sweet.
With Chastity we must our selves Behave;
And do no Wrong in what we get or Save.
Truth we must utter, and Abhor to Lye;
And be Content, tho' in Adversity.
[Exod. XX 3–17. Matth. XXI 1.37,38,39]



Them who to be in CHRIST thro' Grace, Consent,
God brings into His Gracious Covenant.
[Isa. LV. 3.]


The Baptism of the Lord, assures that we
Both Wash'd from Sin and Rais'd from Death, shall be.
[Rom. V. 4,5.]


To See the Lord, we at His Table Sitt,
And show that we shall in His Kingdom eat.
[1 Cor. XI. 26.]


Gods Children His Good Promises Enjoy;
And Good comes of what Ill may them annoy.
[2 Pet. I.4; Rom. VIII.28.]


His Angels he to them does Guardians make,
And these their Souls, at their Departure take.
[Heb. I.14.]


To Judge the World, CHRIST will descend at Last;
A Righteous Doom shall by that Judge be past.
[Acts XVI. 31.]


The Wicked shall bear bitter Pain and Shame,
With Wicked Spirits in Eternal Flame.
The Godly shall, with their Great GOD, on High,
Reap Joyes, High Joyes, to all Eternity.
[Matth. XXV. 46.]