University of Virginia Library



Philosophy Club meeting. Professor
Richard Taylor speaking on "The
Soul" 8:00 p.m., Graduate Loun.


Meeting of all those intrd in
the organization of a woman's track
club at the UVA track, 5 p.m.,
Monday, April 2.

U.V.A. Italian Club Meeting, 8:00
p.m., Monday April 23.
International Center University
Circle, Everyone welcome

Meeting of the S.C. Academic and
Athletic Affairs Committee,
Monday, 3:30 p.m., Newcomb 4B.
Everyone welcome.


Easter Hunt for Madison big
and little brothers and sisters; Carr's
Saturday; 2:30 p.m.

All women welcome to
consciousness – raising group
meeting this Sunday at 8 p.m.
Wesley Foundation.

All persons interested in ushering
for the James Taylor Concert
should contact Bert Ellis
(295-3785) or Lee Taylor

All women welcome to
consciousness – raising group
meeting Sunday 8 p.m. Wesley