University of Virginia Library



Enjoy economic transportation in a
compact car. Phone 295-6882.

1971 Honda CL-450 recently tuned,
excellent condition, 5,200 miles.
Asking $750. 295-1466. *(3644)

For sale – VW Eug, sunroof, '66
rebuilt engine, new front tires. GC.
$550. 295-8406. Ask for Patricia.

For sale – 1963 Chevy Blair, good
condition, $250. Call 296-995, ask
for Harry. *(3636)

'69 Jeep C – removable metal
cab, roll bar, 29,000 miles. Asking
$1750. 973-563. *(3634)

350 Yamaha Y, 9000 miles,
good condition, king $350. Call
Steve 95-6572. *(3642)

'65 Datun Wagon fair condition,
$400 phone 924-2215 daytime
Mon. through Fri. *(361.

For Sale – V.W. bug, sunroof. '66
rebuilt engine, new front tires. G.C.
$550 295-406. Ask for Patrick

1964 Volvo 1, radials, rear-end
damage, runs great, $150.00 or best
offer. Call 295-547. *(3617)


Female roommate wanted to share
two-bedroom furnished apartment.
977-0176. *(3621)


Daniell Earlysville needs ride
please to Ed. School Monday,
Tues., or Wed. nights. 295-3042.

Help Wanted 5-9 p.m. weeknights.
Call 977-7176 between 3:45 &
4:30. *(3635)

Earlysville: Scluded acreage for
building site, woods, Blue Ridge
view, on country road. 973-6250

Blue Ridge Mountain Sports has
selected backpacks, sleeping bags,
tents, and clothing on sale.
Backpacking, Camping,
Caneing/kayaking gear for all
seasons. Rt. 29N. behind That
teak Place. 977-4400. *(3605)


Dynaco CA-0 AMP, Dynaco
A-25 speakers, Craig tape recorder
with Dolby, best offer. Jim
977-5021. *(3645)

track recorder deck, 2 yrs old,
VGC $0. New BR 610X
turntable with top-rated ure
MS10, slight use on cartridge. A
steal at $70. Jeff, 295-5340.

Clearance Sale – up to 50% off.
Piano music, new guitars,
mandoline, jet-stream stereo
speakers, electric guitars & ba.
Many more items. Akay music
mart, No. 9 Elliewood behind
Minear's 295-2109 *(2612)

Dynaco SCA-35 Amplifier, Sony
250 tape deck, 4-way speaker
system, headphones. Excellent
condition. Complete system $150.
Call A after 6:30 p.m. at 977-8144


Misplaced - watch & brn. wallet Sat.
night in Mem. Gym. Reward. No
questions asked. Jeff 977-0619.

Found: Cross on chain necklace
near Gilmer Hall, Please identify in
Director's Office, Newcomb Hall,
tele. 924-3329. Sum of money
found near Alderman Library. *(F)

Found: transistor radio, inquire at
Music Dept. 113 Old Cabell. *(F)

Lost Thursday night in Tuttle
Lounge one Harris Tweed sports
coat. $5 reward. Call Ron
977-4976. *(3641)

Lost: 10 pairs of men's underwear.
If found, please return to Harry, 1st
floor Page. Hurry! *(F)


Sublet option to renew. One dorm
furnished apt. Air cond. Within
walking distance. Available
immediately. 296-720 or
293-41. *(3638)

New duplex available for sublet 1
March 1973 to 31 Aug. 1973.
$185/mo with utilities. urn. 3
bedroom. Call 977-5114. Ask for
Mike Shortley or John Valliere.

Summer Sublet: Spacious
bedroom apt; fully furnished and
air cond.; located directly behind
Corner in Varsity Apt.; Rent very
reasonable. Call 977-4472. *(362)


Mrl, Danke, Arigato: to a
beautiful bunch of people; for the
most fruitful birthday ever!
'Bopper from Delawars. *(3633)

Summerjob – man wanted to help
convert old barn in house. Must
be experienced in construction
work. Writ DGK, Hedge Hall,
Covesville, Va, Stating previous
construction experience and money
needs. *(3629)

This weekend at the Prism: Pat
Chamberlain. Wed. nights are free;
come play, jam or just listen. *(F)

Travel free or earn good
commissions. Campus
representative wanted for student
European travel programs.
Excellent opportunity. Write: Mr.
Hardoon, Dept. -V-3, 76
Commonwealth Avenue, Boston,
Massachusetts 02116. *(3639)

Are you over-weight? Maybe we
can help you! Research Diet Study.
Call 924-5121. *(3566)

Economos Men's Hairstyling "only
the Best." Layer cuts, limitless
shaggs, conservative cuts, functional
mobile, perfect geomatric haircut.
Your choice any length or style. 8
bucks. By appointment 293-3422
Meadowbrook Shopping Center.