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Life insurance counseling avail.
EVERY Tues., 3:30 Student
Council office.

The University Union presents
"Goal" a movie of the World Cup
Soccer Finals. See Pele the World
Soccer ace at the Newcomb Hall
Ballroom tonight at 7:00 & 9:00
pm. Admission 50 cents.

Dr. Robert Testin, leading
industrial environmentalist, will
speak on environmental controls
Tues. April 20, 4 p.m. Law Lounge.
New Demo. Coalition presents
Congressman John Blademas
(D.-Ind.) Assistant Majority Floor
Leader, speaking on "Future
Direction of the House" Tues.,
April 20 at 8:30 p.m. South
Meeting Rm. Newcomb Hall

McIntire School of Commerce will
hold an informal social hour for
first and second year students
interested in discussing the
Commerce curriculum. Come any
time between 7:00 and 10:00 p.m.
on Tuesday, April 20 N.H. Informal

Sociology/Anthropology Majors
Meeting 3:30 p.m. April 20, 301
Wilson Hall.

Folk Dancing - Tues. 5 P.M. 4A
Newcomb Rehearsal at 10 P.M.

Feeling ripped off by the bureaucrats
and politicos logrolling your
franchise? The New Constitution
Party needs help. Come to an organizational
meeting at the basement
of Pavilion X, East Lawn, 3:30.


School of Education presents
E. Smith, J. Moore, M. Huey on
"Simulated Teaching Aids" 9-10:30
A.M. N.H. So. Meeting Rm.

IFC - All Community Service
Chairmen at 3:30 IFC office.

Brainstorming session for Happiness
...8 p.m. Visitor's Lounge - All

Mr. Burbridge "The Nuclei of
Galaxies" Rm. 114 Gilmer Hall

RAVEN SOCIETY - 8:00 p.m.
Jefferson Hall - "The Growth of the
Univ. and its effect on the
uniqueness of the Univ." by David
Shannon an; Frank Hereford.

RAVEN SOCIETY - Those elected
this spring should meet at 7:00
p.m. at the POE Room 13 West
Range for their informal initiation.


Life Insurance agents on your
back? Facts on Life Ins. avail. in
Student Council office.

EDUCATION. All potential
undergraduate majors in Ed. please
leave names in Room 104, Peabody

Deadline for submitting candidate
positions for Student Council
Judiciary, SBF and VP is 5 p.m.
April 21.


Brown leather Camera bag.
- Preston at Grady last Tues. 11
p.m. 295-8115 REWARD.

Small brown female grey cat with
black stripes, beige belly and white
mustache ant chin. Apt. 10, 512
15th St. N.W. or call 293-7610.
Lost last week.


35mm camera in Westminster
Presb. Church 190 Rugby Rd.