University of Virginia Library


Help wanted: Earn $40-60
weekly showing new line of products
from California Corporation.
Ground floor opportunity. Part
time acceptable. Call 973-5192.

BABYSITTER — for two boys,
4 and 5, daily during summer.
Copeley Hill. Leslie, ext. 3387, or

Tired of routine and hot, crowded
summers? Call me if you'd like
work as a couple in Cape Cod
private house 973-5884.

1969 Degree candidates (and
others): If the housing you're
vacating this summer is a 3
bedroom rental near U.Va. and
under $150 monthly. I'd like a shot
at it. Three-year lease in mind.
would much appreciate your calling

Riders to and from New Jersey
Friday/Sunday, 296-1887.

Wanted: for September or
sooner 1, 2, or 3 roommates for 7
room furnished house. Jefferson
Park Avenue, 5 minutes to Cabell,
Law, E-School. Very livable. Call
293-4651, Don or Larry.

Roommate wanted, female to
share 2 person apartment, 5 minute
walk from U.Va. Hospital. Available
June 1, for summer or longer. Call
295-3606 after 9 p.m.

One roommate for apt. starting
Sept. call Tom 296-5096 or Steve