University of Virginia Library



Ben Hogan golf clubs. Regular
shaft, D2 weight, phone 296-7000,
ask for Bobble.

Hardtop from Sunbeam Alpone
62. Should fit any year. Black, very
good condition. Call Doug Tarring

1961 Ford Galaxie, 2 door V-8
automatic trans. Power steering,
radio, air conditioner, snow tires,
295-2596 after 5 p.m.

Colonial Inkwell in Gleaming
Pewter plus two hand cut quill pens
gift-boxed. $7.50. Also pens
available separately in Jefferson
gift-boxes, $1 a matched pair.
Lewis Glaser quillmaker, 109 2nd
Street, S.E. downtown. Call

65 Mustang hardtop, 6 cylinder,
good condition. Best offer above
$1,000. 823-5032 9-6 p.m.

Golf clubs to sell, skeleton plus
wedge, leather bag. Only used three
times. Call Jack after 5, 296-2340.

VW 69 automatic, 1,300 miles.
Call 296-4413 8-10 a.m.

Antiques privately owned,
limited selection. Call for appointment
between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.

65 Mustang hardtop, V-8, automatic,
radio, excellent condition.
Call after 4 p.m., 295-1033.

Bohn Contex Calculator hand
operated for sale. Like new. Contact
Secretary St. Thomas Hall

1967 Triumph GT6, red, excellent
condition, original owner. Assume
loan $87 per month.
296-1592 after 6:30.

Strobe lights for sale or rent.
Ideal for fraternity or band use. 2
models available. Contact Barry
Levin or Dick Barron 294-3130.

1967 MGB-GT green coupe.
Low mileage, excellent condition.
Must sacrifice, best reasonable offer.

1960 Alfa Romeo Giulietta, excellent
condition — over $500 invested
in new parts and accessories.
Play the role to the hilt, sporty
driving gloves and ivy cap included.
Disturbingly, dramatically and desperately
underpriced at $999. Call
Brew Moseley c/o Cavalier Daily or


All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible student
of the University will be allowed
to reside, regardless of race,
color, or national origin.

600 Brandon Apartments announces
a new high rise apartment
building on Brandon Ave. There
will be 1-bedroom units, 1-bedroom
units with den or nursery, 2 bedroom-1
bath units, 2 bedroom-2
bath units with den. From $125 per
month including all utilities. Furnished
or not. Five minute walk
from Cabell Hall. No parking problem.
Year round solarium and
party room on roof. Recreation
room with pool tables. $50 will
hold your apartment for September.
No phone information. Office
at 600 Brandon.

Openings for one person in furnished
three-bedroom University
Heights Apartment. Private room,
double bed, comfortable surroundings.
Rent: $57 per month.

Unfurnished, 6 room house.
Near University and Venable
School. Well maintained. Available
in March. Call 296-0479.

Furnished apartment on
Brandon Avenue, available March
15. 1 bedroom, $95.25/month.
Water included. Call 295-3360 after
5 p.m.


Roommate wanted — private
room, double bed, 2 miles out of
town. Call 293-3131 after 5.


Whoever "found" camel color
stadium coat outside Newcomb
Cafeteria on Sunday night contact
Joe 293-3391. reward. No questions.

Grey-green wool cap. Label
Jacob Reed's, Philadelphia. Family
heirloom. Call Jeff Williams
295-5665 or 295-9975.


The University — love it or leave
it — BBTOU.


Come Join the class and learn
how to make room accessories and
refinish old furniture on a budget
string. For more information call

English Comps. Join ad hoc
committee to abolish. Call Maurice
Bull 293-4263, or Tom McCabe

Photographs for Graduate
School Applications, ROTC, etc.
One day service, Negatives kept on
file for future use. We sent them to
you. Gitchell's Studio, 521 E. Main.
Phone 296-7558.