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Prof. Southall.

Junior Class:—Vattel's International Law, with Lectures, Lectures on Government,

Senior Class:—Smith's Mercantile Law; Greenleaf's Evidence; Adams' Equity,
with Lectures.

For reference:—Stephen's Digest of the Law of Evidence.

In the Department of Law, the degree of Bachelor of Law is conferred
upon those who, upon examination conducted in writing, manifest
an intimate acquaintance with the subjects taught in all the classes; and
to those who, upon like examination, exhibit a competent knowledge of
International and Constitutional Law, including the Science of Government,
a Certificate of Proficiency is awarded.

In order to obtain the degree, the whole of the course must be completed
here, no preliminary examination being had upon entering.

The course is designed for two sessions, and in general it is not prudent
to devote less to it; the future professional success of the student
depending much upon his full mastery of it. It is a maxim sanctioned
by long and wide experience, that "he who is not a good lawyer when he
comes to the bar, will seldom be a good one afterwards." And in order
to such thorough acquaintance with the elements of the law, thought is
requisite as well as reading; and for the purpose of thought, there must
be time to digest, as well as industry to acquire. One cannot expect to
gorge himself with law, as a boa constrictor does with masses of food,
and then digest it afterwards; the process of assimilation must go on, if
it is to proceed healthfully and beneficially, at the same time with the
reception of the knowledge. So the athlete judges, who wishes to train
the physical man to the most vigorous development, and the intellectual
athlete should imitate the example.

But whilst the student is advised, as a general rule, not to attempt to
complete the course in a single session, yet, if he chooses to essay it (as
some do successfully), he is admitted to the graduating examinations,
and if he attains the standard required, he is entitled to the degree.

The expenses of a Law student are from $270 to $310 for the session;
books will cost about $80 additional.