University of Virginia Library


One of the Miller Scholarships is awarded, at the close of each
session, to the candidate who passes with the highest aggregate of
marks, in Physics 1B, Chemistry 1B, and Biology 1B. The tenure is
for two years, and the emolument is two hundred and fifty dollars a
year, with free tuition in the Scientific Schools. Other conditions are
stated in connection with the Department of Agriculture.

The McCormick Scholarship, established in honor of the late
Leander J. McCormick, the founder of the Astronomical Observatory,
is awarded by Mr. Robert Hall McCormick, of Chicago. The emolument
is free tuition in any Department of the University, with remission
of the University fee.

The Isaac Carey Scholarship is awarded by the Carey Trustees.
Its value is about three hundred dollars a year.

The Thompson Brown Scholarship is awarded by its founder. Its
value is one hundred and twenty dollars a year.

The Birely Scholarship, founded upon the bequest of the late Mrs.
Evalena Seevers Birely, in honor of her husband, Valentine Birely,
Esq., of Frederick, Maryland, is awarded by the Visitors to some
student from the State of Maryland. Its value is about one hundred
dollars a year.

The Henry Coalter Cabell Scholarship is awarded by the Visitors
to a graduate student upon the recommendation of the Committee of
the School of English Literature. Its value is fifty dollars a year.