University of Virginia Library

To the Right Worshipfull
Sir Robart Needham

SIr, to gratulate
safe return
fro[m] Ireland,
I had nothing
so readie,
nor thought any thing
so meete, as these sweete
conceited Sonets, the deede
of that weldeseruing gentleman,
maister Edmond Spenser:
whose name sufficiently
warranting the worthinesse
of the work: I do more confidently
presume to publish
it in his absence, vnder your
name to whom (in my poore
opinion) the patronage ther
of, doth in some respectes
properly appertaine. For,
besides your iudgement and
delighte in learned poesie:
This gentle Muse for her
former perfection long wish
ed for in Englande, nowe at
the length crossing the Seas
in your happy companye,
(though to your selfe vnknowne)
seemeth to make
choyse of you, as meetest to
giue her deserued countenaunce,
after her retourne:
entertaine her, then, (Right
worshipfull) in sorte best beseeming
your gentle minde,
and her merite, and take in
worth my good will herein,
who seeke no more, but
to shew my selfe yours
in all dutifull affection.