![]() | Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis
Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1865
February 14
| ![]() |
Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, February 14, 1865
Feb. 14th /65
I avail myself of
the present opportunity to drop you
a few lines I arived safly in camp
night of the 9th, Had some
very roughſ
weather to come down
in, I thought that when I was in Staunton
that if I
was at home I would stay
thare untill the weather would mod
erate, But I had gone tofar to turn
back, While in Staunton I visited
your Cous,L.— She gave me a comple
te scolding. I pretended at first
that I had'nt been down to see
you since she was out,
& told her
that the last time, I was
I was treated in a manner that lead
me to
believe that the next time
that I went, that I
would be dis
carded. & that such feelings would
heart, She told me that she did not
believe me, Butthat I was getting
geleous, wich you may know I
desired I then told her all, The weath
er has been very cold down since I
came down We have no snow hear I
am very cirtain that it is not leſs
than fifteen inches deep in the
valley I suppose you have hurd the
glad tidings t,hat all our prisners
are going to be exchanged, But our
hopes for pease are all crushed thare
is noghtin left us now but fight.
untill our broud foes shall nuckle
& acknowledge our independence
If we should surrender now to our
enimies we would I believe be one
of the most downtrodden Nations
in the world, So we had better con
tinue our strugle untill we have
all found a home in our mother earth
spirits than I expected to find them
Thay had a fight last monday week none of our Co, ware hurd, I expect
a god many of the boys will go
to Cavelry if we are consolidated &
Capt Willson takes command of
us I intend to go rather than surre
nnder sutch a tyrant, I wish we could
get men enoughf hear to save our
old 8 for it has been a faithfull
Co. & I hate to see its name die out.
John Sane. is getting a transfur
to Gen.
Lees body gard. Grieer & Volentrare
are getting transfurs to the 18th
Cavelry & Tom Campbell to mounted
artilery The boys are all ancious
to have thare names of the rolls
of Co 8 for fear of consolidation
Thare was a letter in camp from
Sister waiting for me I answered
her letter several day ago she was
quite well
for not writing sooner for we are
kept so busy hear building our breas
work that one hardly has time to write
our fortifications are about a mile
ourfrom camp Thay are twelve feet thick
& seven feet high with three rows
of abbetters in frunt look like
will be imposible for Mr Yank ever to
get near us, I have no news worth
your attention evry thing is quiet
along our lines, How did you enjoy
yourself the eavning that I left
I suppose you thought it a very cold
parting indeed it was to me, but we
have always to be governed by sircumstan
ces, Dear Kate believe me to be holy
thine for I am sure evry pulsation
of my heart beats love to thee & I
hope it shall never nv nv change
others have loved you & may love you
again, but never as devotedly as I have
no other I dou'nt think could ever have
the influence over me you have I want
to make it my future busineſs to
live and act for your hapineſ I must
close soon My health is very good hope
this may find you enjoying the
same write soon give me all the
new & believe me to be your true
& confiding lover,
![]() | Brand Civil War Collection: Letter from William Francis
Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout, 1865
February 14
| ![]() |