University of Virginia Library


Written by G. E. AYSCOUGH, Esq.
Spoken by Mr. REDDISH.
Critics ! I come your favour to implore
For one, who never quak'd so much before!
He, for a while, has left the gay parade,
Has doff'd the gorget!—and the smart cockade!
Each instrument of war has thrown aside,
To fret! and strut it here—in tragic pride!
From foreign shores are rich materials brought,
Which to your English mode our Bard has wrought.
Phœbus forefend—lest he new dangers run,
And rise, like Icarus, too near the sun;
On waxon pinions just about to sink,
On his own rashness then too late he'll think,
And drown in a black sea of—critic's ink!
Ye gentle, feeling, female hearts be kind!
A soldier sues!—his brows with laurels bind!
In this—your empire, your protection yield!
At life's expence—he'll pay you in the field!
Nor fighting battles, nor besieging towns,
He dreads!—and only trembles at your frowns!
But hold!—our Author bad me say one word
To all his honour'd brothers of the sword!
He begs by them this night to be befriended;
And bids me promise, (this great bus'ness ended)
He'll gladly re-assume the Sash once more,
If they his pristine rank will then restore,
Nor deem him a deserter from the CORPS!