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II. The Creation, to the fifth day


[Scene, The New World.]
In altissimis habito, in the heghest heuyn my hame haue I,
Eterne mentis & ego, withoutyn ende ay lastandly.
Sen I haue wroght þire worldys wyde,
heuen and ayre and erthe also,
My hegh godhede I will noght hyde,
all yf sume foles be fallyn me fro.
When þai assent with syn of pride,
vp for to trine my trone vnto,
In heuen þai myght no le[n]gger byde,
but wyghtly went to wone in wo;
And sen þai wrange haue wroght,
my likes to lat þam go,
To suffir sorowe on soght,
syne þai haue seruid so.
Þare mys may neuer be amendid
sen þai a-sent me to forsake,


For all þere force non sall þame fende
for to be fendys foule & blake.
And þo þat lykys with me to lende,
and trewly tent to me will take,
Sall wonne in welth withoutyn ende,
and all-way wynly with me wake.
Þai salle haue for þare sele
solace þat neuer sall sclake.
Þis warke me thynkys full wele,
and more now will I make.
Syne þat þis world es ordand euyn,
furth well I publysch my powere,
Noght by my strenkyth but by my steuyn,
a firmament I byd apere;
Emange þe waterris lyght so leuyn,
þere cursis lely for to lere,
And þat same sall be namyd hewuyn,
with planitys and with clowdis clere.
Þe water I will be set
to flowe bothe fare and nere,
And þan þe firmament,
in mydis to set þame sere;
Þe firmament sal nough[t] moue,
but be a mene, þus will I mene,
Ouir all þe worlde to halde and houe,
And be you tow wateris be-twyne.
Vndir þe heuyn, and als a-boue,
þe wateris serly sall be sene,
And so I wille my post proue,
by creaturis of kyndis clene.
Þis warke is to my pay
righit well, withoutyn wyne,


Þus sese þe secunde day
of my doyngys bydene.
Moo sutyll werkys asse-say I sall,
for to be set in seruice sere;
Alle ye wateris grete and smalle
þat vndir heuyne er ordande here,
Gose to-gedir and holde yow all,
and be a flode festynde in fere,
So þat the erthe, bothe downe and dale,
in drynesch playnly may a-pere;
Þe drynes ‘lande’ sall be
namyd, bothe ferre and nere,
And þen I name þe ‘se,’
geddryng of wateris clere.
Þe erthe sall fostyr and furthe bryng,
buxsumly as I wyle byde,
Erbys and also othyr thyng,
well for to wax and worthe to wede;
Treys also þar-on sall spryng,
with braunchis and with bowis on-brede,
With flouris fayr on heght to hyng,
and fruth also to fylle and fede.
And þane I will þat þay
of þem selfe haue þe sede,
And mater þat þay may
be lastande furth in lede.
And all þer materis es in mynde,
for to be made of mekyl might,
And to be kest in dyueris kynde
so for to bere sere burgvns bright.
And when þer frutys is fully fynde,
and fayrest semande vnto syght,
Þane þe wedris wete and wynde
oway I will it wende full wyght,


And of þere sede full sone,
new rotys sall ryse vp right.
Þe third day þus is done,
þire dedis er dewly dyght.
Now sene þe erthe þus ordand es,
mesurid and made by myn assent,
Grathely for to growe with gres,
and wedis þat sone away bese went,
Of my gudnes now will I ges,
so þat my werkis no harmes hent,
Two lyghtis, one more and one lesse,
to be fest in þe firmament;
The more light to [the] day
fully suthely sall be sent,
Þe lesse lyght all-way
to þe nyght sall take entent.
Þir figuris fayre þat further sun
þus on sere sydys serue þai sall,
The more lyght sall be namid þe son,
dymnes to wast be downe and be dale;
Erbis and treys þat er by-gune,
all sall he gouerne, gret and smale,
With cald yf þai be closid or bun,
thurgh hete of þe sun þai sal be hale.
Als ye I haue honours
in alkyn welth to wale,
So sall my creaturis
euir byde withoutyn bale.
Þe son and þe mone on fayre manere,
now grathly gange in ȝour degre,
Als ye haue tane ȝoure curses clere
to serue furth loke ye be fre,
For ye sall set þe sesons sere,


kyndely to knowe in ilke cuntre,
Day fro day, and yere fro yere,
by sertayne signes suthly to se.
Þe heuyn sall be ouer hyld
with sternys to stand plente.
Þe furthe day his fulfillid;
þis werke well lykys me.
Now sen þir werkis er wroght with wyne,
and fundyn furth be firth and fell,
Þe see now will I set within
whallis whikly for to dewell;
And othir fysch to flet with fyne,
sum with skale and sum with skell,
Of diueris materis more and myn,
in sere maner to make and mell;
Sum sall be milde and meke,
and sum both fers and fell,
Þis world þus will I eke,
syn I am witt of well.
Also vp in þe ayre on hyght
I byd now þat þore be ordande,
For to be foulis fayre and bright,
dewly in þare degre dwelland,
With fedrys fayre to frast þer flight
fro stede to stede where þai will stande,
And also leythly for to lyght
whore so þame lykis in ilke a londe.
Þane fysch and foulis sere,
kyndely I ȝow commande,
To meng on ȝoure mannere,
both be se and sande.


Þis materis more ȝitt will I mende,
so for to fulfill my for-thoght,
With diueris bestis in lande to lende
to brede & be with bale furth brught:
And with bestis I wille be blende
serpentis to be sene vn-soght,
And wormis vp-on þaire wombis sall wende,
to wo in erth and worth to noght.
And so it sall be kende
how all þat eme is oght,
Begynnyng mydes and ende
I with my worde hase wrothe.
For als I byde bus all thyng be,
and dewly done als I will dresse;
Now bestys ar sett in sere degre
on molde to moue, both more & lesse.
Þane foulis in ayre, and fische in see,
and bestis on erthe of bone and flesch,
I byde ȝe wax furth fayre plente,
and grathly growes, als I ȝow gesse.
So multeply ȝe sall
ay furth in fayre processe,
My blyssyng haue ȝe all;
the fift day endyd es.