A Christian turn'd Turke : Or, The Tragicall Liues and Deaths of the two Famous Pyrates, Ward and Dansiker | ||
The Prologue.
All faire content dwell here, & may our strainesGiue you that choice delight which crownes our paines.
Our subiect's low, yet to your eyes presents
Deeds high in bloud, in bloud of Innocents:
Transcends them low, and your invention calles
To name the sinne beyond this blacke deed falles.
What heretofore set others pennes aworke,
Was Ward turn'd Pyrate, ours is Ward turn'd Turke.
Their triviall Scœnes might best affoord to show
The basenesse of his birth, how from below
Ambition oft takes roote, makes men forsake
The good the 'enioy, yet know not. Our Muse doth take
A higher pitch, leauing his Pyracy
To reach the heart it selfe of villany.
VVhat to that period makes the neerest way,
Our Scœne pursues, you must supose his stay
Hath lately beene vpon the Irish Shore,
VVhere wanting men he inuites some strangers ore
Into his Barke, in height of wine and game,
He slips his anchor, and reveales his name.
There fate succedes, and to your gentle view
VVe giue not what we could, but what know true.
Our Ship's aflote, we feare nor rockes nor sands,
Knowing we are inviron'd with your helping hands.
A Christian turn'd Turke : Or, The Tragicall Liues and Deaths of the two Famous Pyrates, Ward and Dansiker | ||