University of Virginia Library

The Argument.

Roderigo, King of Spaine, being deepely enamored upon Iacynta, a beautifull yong Spanish Lady, daughter to a great Commander in the warres, (called Iulianus) hath often by private solicitations and gifts, tryed to winne her to his embraces; but they not prevailing, hee resolves to enioy her by force: whilst hee sailes in these lustfull thoughts, Lothario, (a Gentleman of better fortunes than condition) is his Pilot, steering his wickednesse on. To helpe which with winde and weather, Mulymumen, King of Barbary, with an Army of 60000. Moores, is ready to crosse into Spaine, to invade Roderigo, who no way frighted, but laying hold on this occasion, sends Iulianus as Generall against the African, and by his two evill Spirits, Lothario and Malæna) gets accesse to the Lady in her Fathers absence, but their Engines breaking, he ravishes her. The Dove being thus ruffled, is delivered out of one Falcons Tallons, to the gripe of another:

Lothario is made her Keeper, whom Iacynta one day finding fast asleepe, takes the keyes of the Castle from him, & flyes to her Father in the Camp; who hearing the storie of the Ravisher, ioynes with those Spanish Lords in his Army, to bee revenged on the Tyrant: To hasten this vengeance, the African is taken prisoner, and againe set at liberty, with condition that hee shall Rally all his scattered Troopes, and then those two Armies being incorporated in one, to drive Roderigo out of his Kingdome, & to inthrone the Moore there. Mulymumen so likes the ravished Lady, that he begges her of her Father to be his: but Roderigo flying into Biscany, and the African Lord of all, is scorned by Iacynta, who in revenge, calls for Iulianus (her Father) commanding his eyes to be put out, and her tongue to be cut out, and so to leade him; In the end, the Barbarian to shorten Iulianus his misery, gives him a weapon, the Moore hath another, with intent to runne ful-butt at one another, much intreaty being made to let Iacynta dye nobly, tis promist, and then they both being ready to runne, the Moore snatches Iacynta before him, and so the Father kils his own Daughter, and is presently by the Moore slaine himselfe.

Antonio marries Margaretta, faire, but low

in fortunes, and comming to these warres, fals in love with Dionysia, daughter to Alonzo, but the women come to tragicall ends, and Antonio for upbraiding Iulianus with selling his King and Country to the Moore, is by Iulianus slaine.