The Renegado A TragaeComedie |
To my Honourd Friend, Master Philip Massinger, vpon his Renegado.
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The Renegado | ||
To my Honourd Friend, Master Philip Massinger, vpon his Renegado.
Dabblers in Poetry that onely can,
Court this weake Lady, or that Gentleman,
with some loose witt in rime;
others that fright the time.
Into beliefe with mighty words, that teare
a Passage through the eare;
or Nicer men,
That through a Perspectiue wil see a Play,
and vse it the wrong way,
(not worth thy Pen)
Though all their Pride exalt 'em, cannot bee
Competent Iudges of thy Lines or thee.
Court this weake Lady, or that Gentleman,
with some loose witt in rime;
others that fright the time.
Into beliefe with mighty words, that teare
a Passage through the eare;
or Nicer men,
That through a Perspectiue wil see a Play,
and vse it the wrong way,
(not worth thy Pen)
Though all their Pride exalt 'em, cannot bee
Competent Iudges of thy Lines or thee.
I must confesse I haue no Publike name
To rescue iudgement, no Poeticke flame
to dresse thy Muse with Praise,
and Phœbus his owne Bayes;
Yet I commend this Poem, and dare tell
the World I lik'd it well,
and if there bee
A tribe, who in their Wisedomes dare accuse,
this ofspring of thy Muse,
let them agree,
Conspire one Comedy, and they will say
Tis easier to Commend, then make a Play.
To rescue iudgement, no Poeticke flame
to dresse thy Muse with Praise,
and Phœbus his owne Bayes;
Yet I commend this Poem, and dare tell
the World I lik'd it well,
and if there bee
A tribe, who in their Wisedomes dare accuse,
this ofspring of thy Muse,
let them agree,
Conspire one Comedy, and they will say
Tis easier to Commend, then make a Play.
Iames Shirley.
The Renegado | ||