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Marching Song

O wherefore do ye stand, a stern and steadfast band,
With your feet upon the pathway whence fame has turned away?’
We hunger not for fame, nor heed world's praise or blame,
Since fame and honour parted this many many a day!
‘What colour do ye wear—what banner do ye bear
When you turn your faces fightwards, and make your weapons keen?’
Our banner's folds are red as our blood which we will shed
Ere that again be suffered which heretofore has been!
‘Whom, then, do ye befriend, whose cause do ye defend—
Are there any need such champions and fighting men as ye?’
Our arms and hearts are strong for all who suffer wrong,
And a world of woe can witness how many such there be!
‘But the Golden Calf stands high, and all its priests will cry,
“Ye are heretics and outcasts if ye worship not as we”!’
'Tis our only boast to-day that we worship not as they,
And to their cursed idol will never bow the knee!
‘What armies fight for you, O ye who are so few,
O ye who are so few in a world that is so wide?’
The Spirits of the Light shall do battle for the Right—
And who shall be against us, if these be on our side?