University of Virginia Library




We're fools—slog—slog—slog—sloggin' over London town.
Sub—sub—sub—sub—scribin' in the provinces—
Books—books—books—books, comin' in and not goin' out again!
That's what gives us the 'ump!
Seven—three—thirteen—two—twenty-six—the sales to-day!
Four—two—twenty-six—thirteen—seven—the day before!
Books—books—books—books, comin' in and not goin' out again;
Lordy, ain't it a trade?


Don't—don't—don't—don't—look at what's in front of you;
Books—books—books—books, comin' in and not goin' out again!
Men—men—men—men—men go mad with watchin' 'em,
An' the paper-maker knockin' at the door
Try—try—try—try—to think o' something different
Oh—my—God—keep—me from goin' lunatic!
Books—books—books—books, comin' in an' not goin' out again!
An' the printer here once more.
Count—count—count—count—the bills upon that file, my boy,
If—your—eyes—dropped—out, I shouldn't be surprised:
Books—books—books—books, comin' in an' not goin' out again,
An' the binder shoutin' for a cheque.


We—can—stick—out, hard work, thirst, an' weariness
But—not—not—not—not the chronic sight of 'em—
Books—books—books—books, comin' in an' not goin' out again,
An' the author shiverin' on the stairs.
'Tain't—so—bad—by—day because o' company,
But night—brings—wild—dreams o' forty thousand million,
Books—books—books—books, comin' in and not goin' out again,
An' a place in Carey Street.
I—'ave—spent—six months in 'Ell an' certify
It—is—not—fire—devils—or anything
But books—books—books—books comin' in an' not goin' out again,
That gives us all the 'ump.