University of Virginia Library


See “Ishmael,” by Robert Jocelyn Alexander, p. 219.


Lord! all my sins and negligences past,
Whereby, though fain, I am powerless to proclaim
Some great thing, worthy of Thy worthy Name,
Pardon. And be Thy royal purple cast


O'er this vile vest; and let the love thou hast
Flush this cold white to a red rose of shame.
And whilst Thou pardonest, Thou the very same,
My different sins, O pardon this the last—
This little song-shaft, full of motes that glance;
This little gem, full of the flaw that pales;
This little verse-book, full of verse that fails;
This little music, full of dissonance;
This little wild-rose, full of dust within;
This little sin that is brimfull of sin.