University of Virginia Library



Amairgen the White-kneed sang,
And his song was great and sweet,
For the heart within him beat
In tune with the heart of the world.
Amairgen the White-kneed sang;
I am the Wave of the Sea,
And the murmur of Ocean free,
And the Bull of the Seven Fights.
Amairgen the White-kneed sang;
I am a Tear of the Sun,
And of Plants the fairest one,
And the Vulture upon the rock.
Amairgen the White-kneed sang;
I am the Boar of the woods,
And the Salmon that leaps the floods,
And the Lake in the plains am I.
Amairgen the White-kneed lives
In the heart of things that are;
But his children moan afar
From his light, and count him dead.
He knew, and was, and is:
But his kinsfolk will not see
The heart of the world as he,
Amairgen, the singer of yore.