University of Virginia Library


Yours, not for self, to wield the sword—
Yours, not for self, to speak the word,
Duty—which leads, perchance, to death,
Ay, self-less death, your mortal breath
Is doubly glorified, thereby;
'Tis ever thus that heroes die.
Awakened from inglorious ease,
Your call has come at length,
Floats now your flag in every breeze,
Put on, put on, your strength!

Remember, English lads, Louvain;
Dream, stalwart Scotsmen, once again
Of old oppression; ye from Wales
Think how a little State prevails
When just. Let sons of Ireland feel
For Belgium 'neath the foeman's heel.
Let each, awakening from his ease,
Hear his “clear call” at length,
Behold his flag in every breeze,
And so put forth his strength.
What! though amid the noontide glare,
What! though amid the balmy air
Of August nights your comrades died
Retreating. Let it be your pride
Aye to outshine them—till at last
War's lurid stormclouds all are past.
Awakened from inglorious ease
Here sounds your call at length!
There! floats your flag o'er lands and seas!
Be glad! put forth your strength!
September 12th, 1914.