University of Virginia Library


I. The Dirge of the Roses.

Music, odour, moon
Work within youth's blood.
Who shall say how soon
The roses bud?
Nay I know not, only this—
All the world's not worth a kiss.
Pleasure, passion, fate
Ripen sure and slow,
Who shall say how late
The roses blow?
Nay I know not, only this—
Manhood comes ere well we wis.
Care, disease, decay
Are busy hither thither.
Who shall say what day
The roses wither?
Nay I know not, only this—
There is something that we miss.


Age, and cold, and rime
Work in hidden shade.
Who shall tell the time
The roses fade?
Nay I know not, only this—
Old age hath but little bliss.
Name him not—but Death
Breathes in every sigh.
Who sees with what breath
The roses die?
Nay I know not, only this—
I am ready when Death is.