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A Collection Of Poems

By John Whaley

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Norwich Assembly,

Norwich Assembly,

OR, THE Descent of VENUS.

Norfolk 's proud Villa's now were left,
Each of its fav'rite Nymphs bereft:
While happy Norwich saw the Fair,
In Crouds to its tall Dome repair.
The Swains too thither fly with Speed,
For Beauty where it will can lead.
And now the Ranks of various Mien,
Forming the sprightly Dance are seen:


Each Swain by motion graceful grows,
Each Nymph with heighten'd Beauty glows;
A thousand various Ways they move,
And emblematically love.
The Nymph now flies with coy Disdain,
While eagerly pursues the Swain;
And now the churlish Swain with Care,
Runs from the tender suing Fair.
This Venus from Olympus spies,
(For Goddesses have piercing Eyes;)
And down she comes, resolv'd to know,
What Joys from mortal Dancing flow.
But in deep Thought sometime she stood,
(Cover'd, observe ye! in a Cloud:
The same which once Æneas wore,
Shipwreck'd on good Queen Dido's Shore.)


Debating which Nymps Form to wear,
In which she might Incog. appear,
For all she lik'd where all were Fair.
And first two beauteous Forms were seen
Of equal Charms, but diff'rent Mien:
Each might the Golden Fruit have gain'd,
Yet Each by Venus was disdain'd.
Nor cou'd the jealous Goddess e'er,
A Form so like her Rival's bear.
'Twas the Majestick Juno's Mien
Made Berney scorn'd by Beauty's Queen;
And St. Clair's ev'ry sprightly Look,
The Goddess with Confusion struck;
While in each Sentence of the Fair
The hated Pallas grates her Ear.
Then throwing round her busy Eyes,
Sidney's all potent Charms she spies.


There ev'ry Pow'r was lodg'd to please,
And Grandeur sweetly join'd to Ease.
Her Eyes with killing Light'nings shone,
But healing Smiles around were thrown:
Such perfect Beauty grac'd the Dame,
As richest Fancy ne'er cou'd Frame:
Beyond a Muses Pow'r to tell,
In which e'en Prior's Pen might fail;
Which soft Bernini ne'er cou'd reach,
Nor Titian's warmest Colours teach.
This Venus saw, nor cou'd repine,
Her Charms Celestial to resign
For such a Form—yet still around
Her Eyes she cast, and many found
Equally Bright: For there was seen
Another Berney's softer Mien.


There Warner, ever beauteous Maid,
Her op'ning Morn of Charms displaid:
Muse, strike with sweeter Touch the Lyre,
When Warner does thy Strains require.
Harmonious Fair, whose tuneful Hand,
By Charms unaided, cou'd command
The ravish'd Soul but while my Mind
On Warner's Beauties is inclin'd,
Poor Venus was almost forgot,
Who now repenting of her Plot,
And jealous of her Darling Fame,
(For from the Skies that Passion came)
Resolv'd she wou'd each Nymph excell,
And bear in Triumph Home the Bell.
Reviewing then each lovely Maid,
Thus to herself at length she said;
“Thrice happy Norfolk, Nymphs like thine
“'Tis Venus only can out-shine.


“Wou'd I thy foremost Honours wear,
“In my own Form I must appear.
Then soon dispell'd the Cloud was gone,
And all reveal'd the Goddess shone:
Each Heart confess'd the Paphian Dame;
But Morden was on Earth her Name.