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Anniversary Anthem, 1693.


Once more, my Muse, resume thy chearful Lire,
Let this Day's Acts eternal Thoughts inspire;
Let every smiling Glass with Mirth be crown'd,
While Healths to England's native Rights go round.
One such another Day as this alone,
Would fully for a Nation's Sin atone.
'Tis a sure Symtom, that the People's bless'd,
When once a haughty Tyrant's dispossess'd.


Apollo's pleas'd, and all the tuneful Nine
Rejoice, and in the solemn Chorus join.


Again, my Muse, immortal Brutus sing,
Whose daring Sword expell'd a Tyrant King:


Then bravely fought, and bravely overcame,
To give Rome Freedom, and eternal Fame.
Such Force has Liberty, such conqu'ring Charms,
That the whole World submitted to their Arms.
What Wreaths shall we prepare, and how rehearse
His lasting Worth in everlasting Verse?


Apollo's pleas'd, &c.


Triumphant Laurels too must Crown that Head,
Whose righteous Hand struck England's Tyrant dead:
The Heroes too, adorn'd with Blood and Sweat,
Who forc'd th'opposing Monster to retreat.
Heaven still before a leading Angel sent;
They conquer'd, 'cause they on his Errand went.
Like the Israelites of old, their Chains they broke,
Guided by Pillars both of Fire and Smoke.


Apollo's pleas'd, &c.


'Tis Force must pull a lawless Tyrant down;


But give Men Knowledge, and the Priest's undone.
When once the lurking Poyson is descry'd,
His juggling Tricks are all in vain apply'd.
In vain he Whines, in vain he Cants and Prays,
There's not a Man believes one Word he says:
'Tis true, Religion is the grand Pretence;
But Power and Wealth's the Mythologick Sense.


Apollo's pleasd, &c.


Then fill the longing Glass with spritely Wine,
Our Cause is Justice, and the Health's Divine.
The Heroes smile, and our Delights approve,
Which adds new Joys to those they find above:
'Twas so they Honour, so they Conquest sought;
Thus fairly Drank, and then as fairly Fought.
They love to see us thus our Homage pay,
And bless the just Occasion of the Day.


Apollo's pleas'd, &c.