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Oh Peggy, Peggy, when thou go'st to Brew,
Consider well what you're about to do;
Be very Wise, very sedately think
That what you are about to make is Drink:
Consider who must drink that Drink, and then,
What 'tis to have the Praise of Honest Men:
For surely Peggy, while that Drink does last,
'Tis Peggy will be Toasted or Disgrac'd.


Then if thy Ale in Glass thou wouldst confine,
To make its sparkling Rays in Beauty shine,
Let thy clean Bottle be entirely dry,
Least a white Substance to the Surface fly,
And floating there, disturb the curious Eye.
But this great Maxim must be understood,
Be sure; nay very sure, thy Cork be Good.
Then future Ages shall of Peggy tell,
That Nymph that Brew'd and Bottled Ale so well.