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Female Poems On Several Occasions

Written by Ephelia. The Second Edition, with large Additions

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AN ELEGY On the Right Reverend GILBERT SHELDON, Ld Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.

When I heard Sheldon had to Fate resign'd,
A sudden Consternation seiz'd my Mind,
Senseless I stood, the dangerous Surprize
Kept back the Pious Tribute of my Eyes:
And tho no words can e're my Grief express,
Yet by their own, all may judge it's Excess:
For when so good, so great a Prelate falls,
The World must Celebrate his Funerals:
And not a man in the vast Universe,
But sends a Bleeding Heart t'attend his Herse:
To tell his Vertues would whole Volumes ask,
And were a Seraph's, not a Womans task.


Over his Flock, so tenderly Austere,
He taught them both at once, to Love and Fear;
So strictly Pious, that to all that knew
His holy life, his Precepts needless grew.
Despis'd Religion did so Beauteous seem
In this blest Saint, it rais'd its first Esteem:
His head, a Receptacle did contain
More Learning than the world can boast again.
He made his Wealth and large Possessions be,
But humble Handmaids to his Charitie;
VVhich was so great, it might be truly said,
That by his Death the Poor were Orphans made:
VVhen ugly Treason flourisht highest, he
Spight of the danger, own'd his Loyalty.
VVith joy he suffer'd for the Church and State,
And bore with ease the weightiest stroaks of Fate.
Stop! stop a while! fierce Rapture choaks my words,
And no expression to my Thoughts affords:
I am all admiration! and as well
Some heavenly Vision, as his Worth might tell.



All sev'ral Beauties, Colours, Airs, and Grace,
None ever saw together in one Face:
No? hold a while; I do a Lady know,
Each several Beauty splendidly can show.
But alass! Beauty's but the smallest Grace,
Unless it be i'th' Mind as well as Face:
Rate she is too i'th' Beauties of the Mind;
Young, and yet wise; the wonder of her Kind.


Apollo hence! thy aid I do refuse;
No Nymph will I implore, nor yet no Muse;
No Nectar do I want, to write her praise;
Great Subjects, without help our Fancies raise:
In thy sweet Face such charming Beauties be,
Less we at Angels wonder than at thee:
Brighter than Suns thy lovely Eyes appear,
Each Look doth a Majestick sweetness wear:
Reign Sov'reign Queen of Beauty, Love, and VVit,
Till Death's cold hand shall teach thee to submit.