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The Bays Miscellany

or Colley Triumphant: containing I. The Petty-Sessions of Poets. II. The Battle of the Poets, or the Contention for the Laurel; as it is now Acting at the New Theatre in the Hay-Market. III. The Battle of the Poets. An Heroic Poem. In Two Canto's. With the True Characters of the several Poets therein mention'd; and just Reasons why not qualify'd for the Laurel. The Whole design'd as a Specimen of those Gentlemens Abilities, without Prejudice or Partiality. Written by Scriblerus Quartus [i.e. Thomas Cooke]

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OR THE Contention for the Laurel.
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OR THE Contention for the Laurel.


As it is now Acting At the New Theatre in the Hay-Market; introduced as an intire New Act to the Comical Tragedy of Tom Thumb.

Written by Scriblerus Tertius.
Now, Bavius, take the Poppy from thy Brow,
And place it here! here all ye Heroes bow:
This, this is He, foretold by ancient Rhimes,
Th'Augustus born to bring Saturnian Times.
