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Moral and political fables

ancient and modern. Done into Measurd Prose intermixd with Ryme. By Dr. Walter Pope

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Fab. II. Two Pots.
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Fab. II. Two Pots.

Two Pots were carried down a rapid Stream
One of cast Iron made, one of bakd Clay.
The lightest of the two, which swifter saild,
And left the heavy Iron Pot behind,
Who in great fear of sinking, cryd aloud,
Dear Sister stay; let us unite our force
The better to resist th' impetuous Waves:
That must not be, the Earthen Pot replyd,
For if one on the other should fall foul,
Who'll have the worst; tis easie to foretel,
Your Iron-sides will break my brittle Shell.

The Moral.

Shun both extremes, each of them danger brings:
Be not Familiar, nor contend with Kings.

Another Parafrase of the same.

Out of a Millers House a sudden Flood
Carried two Vessels, one of Potters Earth,
And one of heavy solid Metal made.
The Earthen Pot the other oversaild,
Dancing upon the Billows like a Cork;
But her Companion, who much Water drew,
And slowly movd, finding he strove in vain


T' oretake her, she was got so far before:
He cryd aloud, Sister, dear Sister stay
For your old Friend, hear what I have to say:
Lets make this perilous Voyage hand in hand,
And spend the time in Conference till we land.
Sir, said the Earthen Pot, it grieves me much
I cannot now comply with your desire;
For if we should by chance together knock,
What will become of me poor brittle Crock?
Who can secure me from your Iron Frock?