University of Virginia Library


Reader, dost ask, What Work we here display?
What fair and Novel Piece salutes the Day?
Know, that a Virgin bright this POEM writ,
A Grace for Beauty, and a Muse for Wit!
Who, when none higher in Loves Courts might sway,
Despis'd the Mertile, for the nobler Bay!
Nor could Apollo or Minerva tell,
Whither her Pen or Pencil did excel!
But while these Pow'rs laid both to her their Claime,
Behold, a Matron of a Heavenly Frame,
Antique, but Great and Comely in her Meen,
Upon whose gorgeous Robe inscrib'd was seen
Divine Vertue, took her from both away,
And thus with Anger and Disdain did say,
Of Me she Learn'd, with You she did but Play.