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XXI. Christo paremus canticam, excelsis gloria.


[From MS. Harl. No. 5396, fol. 4, ro. of the beginning of the sixteenth century.]

When Cryst was born of Mary fre,
In Bedlem in that fayre cyté,
Angellis song ther with myrth and gle,
in excelsis gloria.
Herdmen beheld thes angellis bryȝt,
To hem apperyd wyth gret lyȝt,
And seyd, “Goddys sone is born this nyȝt,”
in excelsis gloria.
Thys keng ys comyn to save kynde,
As yn scripturas we fynde,
Therfore this song have we in mynde,
in excelsis gloria.
Then, Lord, for thy gret grace,
Graunt us the blys to se thy face,
Where we may syng to thy solas,
in excelsis gloria.