University of Virginia Library

The .lvi. psalme.

[Be mercyfull to me o god]

Miserere mei deus quoniam.

Be mercyfull to me o god
myne enemies withstande
Whiche alwayes go about to seke
my lyfe to haue in hand
For they runne dayly to and fro
my body to annoye
And manye they in number be
that woulde my soule destroye
And thoughe sometyme I am afrayde
Yet do I trust in the
Wherefore o lord, I wil not feare
what flesh can do to me.

My wordes alwayes they do mistake
thus for to do me yll,
Often they do ymagen howe
My lyfe and soule to kylle.
They cleue and hold, as thick as burres
and kepe thus on a thronge.
They marke the steppes, that I do vse
and all to do me wronge.
O lorde for this their wyckednes
thou wylt them sone confounde
And in thy rage thou shalt them cast
hedlonge vnto the grounde.
My commynge in, and goinge out
is knowen, to the o lorde
And eke my teares, be in thy syght
thy worde doth it recorde.
When so that I shall calle to the
thou wylt guyde me aryghte,
So that my foes shall haue no power
But runne and take their flyght

My myrth and ioye is in the word
of god, and parsons thre
In hym I trust and wyll not feare
What man can do to me.
The vowes of thankes and rightousnes
to the lorde, wyll I geue
My tonge shall neuer stynt thy prayse
so longe as I here lyue
For thou hast kept my soule from death
and eke my fete from fallynge
That I may walke before thy face
in the lyght, of the lyuyng.
Prayse we the father. &c.