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Psalm 46 Deus noster refugium


Psalm 46 Deus noster refugium

God gives us strength, and keepes us sounde,
A present help when dangers call;
Then feare not wee lett quake the grounde,
And into seas let mountains fall,
Yea soe lett seas withall,
In watry hills arise,
As maie the earthlie hills appall,
With dread and dashing cries.
For lo, a river streaming joy,
With purling murmur saflie slides,
That cittie washing from annoy,
In holy shrine where God resides.
God in hir center bides:
What can this cittie shake?
God earlie aides and ever guides,
Who can this cittie take?
When nations goe against her bent
And kings with siege her walls enround:
The voide of aire his voice doth rent,
Earth failes their feete with melting ground.
To strength and keepe us sound,
The God of armies armes:
Our rock on Jacobs God wee found
Above the reach of harmes.
O come with me, O come and view
The trophes of Jehovas hand:
What wracks from him our foes pursue,
How cleerly he hath purg'd our land.
By him warrs silent stand:
He brake the archers bow
Made charretts wheele a firy brand,
And speare to shivers goe.


Bee still saith he; know, God am I:
Know I will be with conquest croun'd,
Above all nations raised high,
High rais'd above this earthy round.
To strength and keepe us sound
The God of armies armes:
Our rock on Jacobs God we found,
Above the reach of harmes.