The Metrical Life of St. Robert of Knaresborough Together with the other middle English pieces in British Museum MS. Egerton 3143 |
The Metrical Life of St. Robert of Knaresborough | ||
Hayle! cheftane, Cristes aghen confessour,Als seruauntt of our Sauiour;
Haile! Saintt Robert, thrugh Goddes grace
Pere and patron of this place;
Haile! our gouernour and our gyde,
Haile! þat vs socoures on ylka syde,
Haile! þat couers our caytefte,
Haile! þat saues þat serue wyll the,
Haile! Robert, þat ay ryghtwyse was,
Þi bred was menged ay wyth asse;
Haile! diamaunde, þat dose vs ese,
Fordo and dylle all our dishese.
I beseke the to begyne
And to conuerte me fray my synne;
My lyppes wyth louynges be fuffylled,
Þi wyll to wyrke þat I be wylled.
For þe grace to the þat graunted was
Þe bandes þou brest of my tryspas,
And owtt of prison, I the pray,
Off synne my saulle gar wynne away.
For all my doynges ar bott duste.
Weile I waytt, wythowten weyn,
My synnes to schew or to be seyn
Are sulped as sute ys in my syght;
Þarfor my lyffe may noght be lyght.
A! blyssed saint and cetiȝand,
In heuen þat shynes als diamaund,
Dresse me fra dampnacion
And send me saluacion.
When I am couped, I pray the come
To defend me at þat dome
Þat the feynd sall fourme for my foly,
Þat I may weynd wyth victory
Wyth the to woune in endles blysse.
Ryghtwys Roberd, pray for þis!
The Metrical Life of St. Robert of Knaresborough | ||