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Eppiphania Domini
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Eppiphania Domini

Twelþeday þe heiȝe feste noble is to holde
For four þinges of þulke day as þe gospel us tolde


Þulke day þe þre[o] kinges oure Louerd presant broȝte
Sone so he was ybore and wel wide hym soȝte
Þere after nyne & twenty ȝer as byuel þulke day
Oure Louerd ybaptized was to bygynne þe niwe lay
Twelmonþe ek afterward as þulke day also
Oure Louerd made of water wyn þo þat oþer was ydo
Þulke day þo a twelfmonþe þoru oure Louerdes grace
Vyf þousond men mid vif loues vedde in a place
Þis foure miracles of oure Louerd þulke day were ido
Wel auȝte we halwy þe day and honoure also