University of Virginia Library


Ichot a burde in a bour ase beryl so bryht,
ase saphyr in seluer semly on syht,
ase iaspe þe gentil þat lemeþ wiþ lyht,
ase gernet in golde ant ruby wel ryht;
ase onycle he ys on yholden on hyht,
ase diamaund þe dere in day when he is dyht;
he is coral ycud wiþ cayser ant knyht;
ase emeraude amorewen þis may haueþ myht.
Þe myht of þe margarite haueþ þis mai mere.
ffor charbocle ich hire ches bi chyn ant by chere.
Hire rode is ase rose þat red is on rys;
wiþ lilye-white leres lossum he is;
þe primerole he passeþ, þe peruenke of pris,
wiþ alisaundre þareto, ache ant anys.
Coynte ase columbine such hire cunde ys,
glad vnder gore in gro ant in grys;


he is blosme opon bleo, brihtest vnder bis,
wiþ celydoyne ant sauge, ase þou þiself sys.
Þat syht vpon þat semly to blis he is broht;
he is solsecle, to sauue ys forsoht.
He is papeiai in pyn þat beteþ me my bale;
to trewe tortle in a tour y telle þe mi tale;
he is þrustle þryuen in þro þat singeþ in sale,
þe wilde laueroc ant wolc ant þe wodewale;
he is faucoun in friht, dernest in dale,
ant wiþ eueruch a gome gladest in gale.
ffrom Weye he is wisist into Wyrhale;
hire nome is in a note of þe nyhtegale.
In Annote is hire nome; nempneþ hit non?
Whose ryht redeþ roune to Iohon.
Muge he is ant mondrake þourh miht of þe mone,
trewe triacle ytold wiþ tonges in trone;
such licoris mai leche from Lyne to Lone;
such sucre mon secheþ þat saneþ men sone;
bliþe yblessed of Crist, þat bayþeþ me mi bone
when derne dedis in day derne are done.
Ase gromyl in greue grene is þe grone,
ase quibibe ant comyn cud is in crone,
cud comyn in court, canel in cofre,
wiþ gyngyure ant sedewale ant þe gylofre.
He is medicine of miht, mercie of mede,
rekene ase Regnas resoun to rede,
trewe ase Tegeu in tour, ase Wyrwein in wede,
baldore þen Bryne þat oft þe bor bede;
ase Wylcadoun he is wys, dohty of dede,
ffeyrore þen Floyres folkes to fede,
cud ase Cradoc in court carf þe brede,
hendore þen Hilde, þat haueþ me to hede.
He haueþ me to hede, þis hendy anon,
gentil ase Ionas, heo ioyeþ wiþ Ion.