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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Re-edited from Ms. Cotton Nero, A. x., in the British Museum, by Sir Israel Gollancz. With introductory essays by Mabel Day and Mary S. Serjeantson

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This hanselle hatȝ Arthur of auenturus on fyrst,
In ȝonge ȝer, for he ȝerned ȝelpyng to here;
Thaȝ hym wordeȝ were wane when þay to sete wenten,
Now ar þay stoken of sturne werk, staf-ful her hond.


Gawan watȝ glad to be-gynne þose gomneȝ in halle,
Bot þaȝ þe ende be heuy, haf ȝe no wonder;
For þaȝ men ben mery in mynde quen þay han mayn drynk,
A ȝere ȝernes ful ȝerne, & ȝeldeȝ neuer lyke,
Þe forme to þe fynisment foldeȝ ful selden.
For-þi þis ȝol ouer-ȝede, & þe ȝere after,
& vche sesoun serlepes sued after oþer;
After crysten-masse com þe crabbed lentoun,
Þat fraysteȝ flesch wyth þe fysche & fode more symple;
Bot þenne þe weder of þe worlde wyth wynter hit þrepeȝ,
Colde clengeȝ adoun, cloudeȝ vp-lyften,
Schyre schedeȝ þe rayn in schowreȝ ful warme,
Falleȝ vpon fayre flat, flowreȝ þere schewen,
Boþe [þe] groundeȝ & þe greueȝ grene ar her wedeȝ,
Bryddeȝ busken to bylde, & bremlych syngen
For solace of þe softe somer þat sues þer-after
bi bonk;
& blossumeȝ bolne to blowe
Bi raweȝ rych & ronk,
Þen noteȝ noble in-noȝe
Ar herde in wod so wlonk.


After þe sesoun of somer wyth þe soft wyndeȝ,
Quen ȝeferus syfleȝ hym-self on sedeȝ & erbeȝ;
Wela-wynne is þe wort þat waxes þer-oute,
When þe donkande dewe dropeȝ of þe leueȝ,
To bide a blysful blusch of þe bryȝt sunne.
Bot þen hyȝes heruest, & hardenes hym sone,
Warneȝ hym for þe wynter to wax ful rype;
He dryues wyth droȝt þe dust for to ryse,


Fro þe face of þe folde to flyȝe ful hyȝe;
Wroþe wynde of þe welkyn wrasteleȝ with þe sunne,
Þe leueȝ laucen fro þe lynde & lyȝten on þe grounde,
& al grayes þe gres, þat grene watȝ ere;
Þenne al rypeȝ & roteȝ þat ros vpon fyrst,
& þus ȝirneȝ þe ȝere in ȝisterdayeȝ mony,
& wynter wyndeȝ aȝayn, as þe worlde askeȝ,
no [f]age.
Til meȝel-mas mone
Watȝ cumen wyth wynter wage;
Þen þenkkeȝ Gawan ful sone
Of his anious uyage.


Ȝet quyl al-hal-day with Arþer he lenges,
& he made a fare on þat fest, for þe frekeȝ sake,
With much reuel & ryche of þe Rounde Table;
Knyȝteȝ ful cortays & comlych ladies,
Al for luf of þat lede in longynge þay were;
Bot neuer-þe-lece ne þe later þay neuened bot merþe,
Mony ioyleȝ for þat ientyle iapeȝ þer maden.
For aftter mete, with mournyng he meleȝ to his eme,
& spekeȝ of his passage, & pertly he sayde,
‘Now, lege lorde of my lyf, leue I yow ask;
Ȝe knowe þe cost of þis cace, kepe I no more;
To telle yow teneȝ þer-of neuer bot trifel;
Bot I am boun to þe bur barely to-morne,
To sech þe gome of þe grene, as God wyl me wysse.’
Þenne þe best of þe burȝ boȝed to-geder,
Aywan & Errik & oþer ful mony,


Sir Doddinaual de Sauage, þe duk of Clarence,
Launcelot & Lyonel & Lucan þe gode,
Sir Boos & sir Byduer, big men boþe,
& mony oþer menskful, with Mador de la Port.
Alle þis compayny of court com þe kyng nerre,
For to counseyl þe knyȝt, with care at her hert;
Þere watȝ much derne doel driuen in þe sale,
Þat so worthe as Wawan schulde wende on þat ernde,
To dryȝe a delful dynt, & dele no more
wyth bronde.
Þe knyȝt mad ay god chere,
& sayde, ‘quat schuld I wonde?
Of destines derf & dere
What may mon do bot fonde?’


He dowelleȝ þer al þat day, and dresseȝ on þe morn,
Askeȝ erly hys armeȝ, & alle were þay broȝt;
Fyrst a tule tapit, tyȝt ouer þe flet,
& miche watȝ þe gyld gere þat glent þer alofte;
Þe stif mon steppeȝ þeron, & þe stel hondeleȝ,
Dubbed in a dublet of a dere tars,
& syþen a crafty capados, closed aloft,
Þat wyth a bryȝt blaunner was bounden withinne;
Þenne set þay þe sabatounȝ vpon þe segge foteȝ,
His legeȝ lapped in stel with luflych greueȝ,
With polayneȝ piched þer-to, policed ful clene,
Aboute his kneȝ knaged wyth knoteȝ of golde;
Queme quyssewes þen, þat coyntlych closed
His thik þrawen þyȝeȝ, with þwonges to tachched;
& syþen þe brawden bryne of bryȝt stel ryngeȝ
Vmbe-weued þat wyȝ, vpon wlonk stuffe;
& wel bornyst brace vpon his boþe armes,


With gode cowters & gay, & gloueȝ of plate,
& alle þe godlych gere þat hym gayn schulde
þat tyde;
Wyth ryche cote-armure,
His gold sporeȝ spend with pryde,
Gurde wyth a bront ful sure
With silk sayn vmbe his syde.


When he watȝ hasped in armes, his harnays watȝ ryche,
Þe lest lachet ouer loupe lemed of golde;
So harnayst as he watȝ he herkneȝ his masse,
Offred & honoured at þe heȝe auter.
Syþen he comeȝ to þe kyng & to his cort-fereȝ,
Lacheȝ lufly his leue at lordeȝ & ladyeȝ;
& þay hym kyst & conueyed, bikende hym to Kryst.
Bi þat watȝ Gryngolet grayth, & gurde with a sadel
Þat glemed ful gayly with mony golde frenges,
Ay-quere naylet ful nwe, for þat note ryched;
Þe brydel barred aboute, with bryȝt golde bounden;
Þe apparayl of þe payttrure & of þe proude skyrteȝ,
Þe cropore & þe couertor acorded wyth þe arsouneȝ;
& al watȝ rayled on red ryche golde nayleȝ,
Þat al glytered & glent as glem of þe sunne.
Þenne hentes he þe helme, & hastily hit kysses,
Þat watȝ stapled stifly, & stoffed wyth-inne;
Hit watȝ hyȝe on his hede, hasped bihynde,
Wyth a lyȝtly vrysoun ouer þe auentayle,
Enbrawden & bounden wyth þe best gemmeȝ


On brode sylkyn borde, & bryddeȝ on semeȝ,
As papiayeȝ paynted pernyng bitwene,
Tortors & trulofeȝ, entayled so þyk
As mony burde þer-aboute had ben seuen wynter
in toune;
Þe cercle watȝ more o prys
Þat vmbe-clypped hys croun,
Of diamaunteȝ a deuys,
Þat boþe were bryȝt & broun.


Then þay schewed hym þe schelde, þat was of schyr gouleȝ,
Wyth þe pentangel de-paynt of pure golde hweȝ;
He braydeȝ hit by þe baude-ryk, aboute þe hals kestes,
Þat bisemed þe segge semlyly fayre.
& quy þe pentangel apendeȝ to þat prynce noble,
I am in-tent yow to telle, þof tary hyt me schulde.
Hit is a syngne þat Salamon set sum-quyle,
In bytoknyng of trawþe, bi tytle þat hit habbeȝ,
For hit is a figure þat haldeȝ fyue poynteȝ,
& vche lyne vmbe-lappeȝ & loukeȝ in oþer,
& ay-quere hit is e[n]deleȝ, & Englych hit callen
Ouer-al, as I here, þe endeles knot.
For-þy hit acordeȝ to þis knyȝt, & to his cler armeȝ,
For ay faythful in fyue & sere fyue syþeȝ,
Gawan watȝ for gode knawen & as golde pured,
Voyded of vche vylany, wyth vertueȝ ennourned
in mote;
For-þy þe pen-tangel nwe
He ber in schelde & cote,
As tulk of tale most trwe,
& gentylest knyȝt of lote.



Fyrst he watȝ funden fautleȝ in his fyue wytteȝ,
& efte fayled neuer þe freke in his fyue fyngres,
& alle his afyaunce vpon folde watȝ in þe fyue woundeȝ
Þat Cryst kaȝt on þe croys, as þe crede telleȝ;
& quere-so-euer þys mon in melly watȝ stad,
His þro þoȝt watȝ in þat, þurȝ alle oþer þyngeȝ,
Þat alle his forsnes he fong at þe fyue joyeȝ
Þat þe hende heuen quene had of hir chylde;
At þis cause þe knyȝt comlyche hade
In þe [inner]-more half of his schelde hir ymage depaynted,
Þat quen he blusched þerto, his belde neuer payred.
Þe fyft fyue þat I finde þat þe frek vsed,
Watȝ fraunchyse & felaȝschyp for-be al þyng;
His clannes & his cortaysye croked were neuer,
& pite, þat passeȝ alle poynteȝ,—þyse pure fyue
Were harder happed on þat haþel þen on any oþer.
Now alle þese fyue syþeȝ, forsoþe, were fetled on þis knyȝt,
& vchone halched in oþer, þat non ende hade,
& fyched vpon fyue poynteȝ, þat fayld neuer,
Ne samned neuer in no syde, ne sundred nouþ[er];
With-outen ende at any noke i-[wis no-]quere fynde,
Where-euer þe gomen bygan or glod to an ende.
Þer-fore on his schene schelde schapen watȝ þe knot
Ryally wyth red golde vpon rede gowleȝ,
Þat is þe pure pentaungel wyth þe peple called,


with lore.
Now grayþed is Gawan gay,
& laȝt his launce ryȝt þore,
& gef hem alle goud day,
He wende for euer more.


He sperred þe sted with þe spureȝ, & sprong on his way
So stif þat þe ston-fyr stroke out þer-after;
Al þat seȝ þat semly syked in hert,
& sayde soþly al same segges til oþer,
Carande for þat comly, ‘bi Kryst, hit is scaþe
Þat þou, leude, schal be lost, þat art of lyf noble!
To fynde hys fere vpon folde, in fayth, is not eþe;
Warloker to haf wroȝt had more wyt bene,
& haf dyȝt ȝonder dere a duk to haue worþed;
A lowande leder of ledeȝ in londe hym wel semeȝ,
& so had better haf ben þen britned to noȝt,
Hadet wyth an aluisch mon, for angardeȝ pryde.
Who knew euer any kyng such counsel to take,
As knyȝteȝ in cauel[aci]ounȝ on cryst-masse gomneȝ?’
Wel much watȝ þe warme water þat waltered of yȝen
When þat semly syre soȝt fro þo woneȝ
þad daye;
He made non abode,
Bot wyȝtly went hys way,
Mony wylsum way he rode,
Þe bok as I herde say.


Now rideȝ þis renk þurȝ þe ryalme of Logres,
Sir Gauan, on Godeȝ halue, þaȝ hym no gomen þoȝt;


Oft leudleȝ alone he lengeȝ on nyȝteȝ,
Þer he fonde noȝt hym byfore þe fare þat he lyked,—
Hade he no fere bot his fole bi frytheȝ & douneȝ,
Ne no gome bot God bi gate wyth to karp,
Til þat he neȝed ful n[e]ghe in to þe Norþe Waleȝ;
Alle þe iles of Anglesay on lyft half he haldeȝ,
& fareȝ ouer þe fordeȝ by þe for-londeȝ,
Ouer at þe Holy Hede, til he hade eft bonk
In þe wyldrenesse of Wyrale; wonde þer bot lyte
Þat auþer God oþer gome wyth goud hert louied.
& ay he frayned, as he ferde, at frekeȝ þat he met,
If þay hade herde any karp of a knyȝt grene,
In any grounde þer-aboute, of þe grene c[h]apel;
& al nykked hym wyth nay, þat neuer in her lyue
Þay seȝe neuer no segge þat watȝ of suche hweȝ
of grene.
Þe knyȝt tok gates straunge
In mony a bonk vnbene,
His cher ful oft con chaunge,
Þat chapel er he myȝt sene.


Mony klyf he ouer-clambe in contrayeȝ straunge;
Fer floten fro his frendeȝ fremedly he rydeȝ;
At vche warþe oþer water þer þe wyȝe passed,
He fonde a foo hym byfore, bot ferly hit were,
& þat so foule & so felle þat feȝt hym by-hode.
[S]o mony meruayl bi mount þer þe mon fyndeȝ,
Hit were to tore for to telle of þe tenþe dole.
Sumwhyle wyth wormeȝ he werreȝ, & with wolues als,
Sumwhyle wyth wodwos þat woned in þe knarreȝ,
Boþe wyth bulleȝ & bereȝ & boreȝ oþer-quyle,


& etayneȝ þat hym anelede, of þe heȝe felle;
Nade he ben duȝty & dryȝe, & dryȝtyn had serued,
Douteles he hade ben ded & dreped ful ofte.
For werre wrathed hym not so much, þat wynter was wors,
When þe colde cler water fro þe cloudeȝ schadde,
& fres er hit falle myȝt to þe fale erþe;
Ner slayn wyth þe slete he sleped in his yrnes
Mo nyȝteȝ þen in-noghe in naked rokkeȝ,
Þer as claterande fro þe crest þe colde borne renneȝ,
& henged heȝe ouer his hede in hard ysse-ikkles.
Þus in peryl & payne & plytes ful harde
Bi contray ca[yr]eȝ þis knyȝt tyl kryst-masse euen,
al one;
Þe knyȝt wel þat tyde
To Mary made his mone,
Þat ho hym red to ryde,
& wysse hym to sum wone.


Bi a mounte on þe morne meryly he rydes
Into a forest ful dep, þat ferly watȝ wylde,
Hiȝe hilleȝ on vche a halue, & holt-wodeȝ vnder
Of hore okeȝ ful hoge a hundreth to-geder;
Þe hasel & þe haȝ-þorne were harled al samen,
With roȝe raged mosse rayled ay-where,
With mony bryddeȝ vnblyþe vpon bare twyges,
Þat pitosly þer piped for pyne of þe colde.
Þe gome vpon Gryngolet glydeȝ hem vnder
Þurȝ mony misy & myre, mon al hym one,
Carande for his costes, lest he ne keuer schulde


To se þe seruy[se] of þat syre, þat on þat self nyȝt
Of a burde watȝ borne, oure baret to quelle;
& þerfore sykyng he sayde, ‘I be-seche þe, lorde,
& Mary, þat is myldest moder so dere,
Of sum herber þer heȝly I myȝt here masse
Ande þy matyneȝ to-morne, mekely I ask,
& þer-to prestly I pray my pater & aue
& crede.’
He rode in his prayere
& cryed for his mysdede,
He sayned hym in syþes sere
& sayde ‘Cros-Kryst me spede!’


Nade he sayned hym-self, segge, bot þrye,
Er he watȝ war in þe wod of a won in a mote,
Abof a launde, on a lawe, loken vnder boȝeȝ
Of mony borelych bole, aboute bi þe diches,
A castel þe comlokest þat euer knyȝt aȝte,
Pyched on a prayere, a park al aboute,
With a pyked palays, py[n]ned ful þik,
Þat vmbe-teȝe mony tre mo þen two myle.
Þat holde on þat on syde þe haþel auysed,
As hit schemered & schon þurȝ þe schyre okeȝ;
Þenne hatȝ he hendly of his helme, & heȝly he þonkeȝ
Jesus & say[n] Gilyan, þat gentyle ar boþe,
Þat cortaysly hade hym kydde & his cry herkened.
‘Now bone hostel,’ coþe þe burne, ‘I be-seche yow ȝette!’
Þenne gedereȝ he to Gryngolet with þe gilt heleȝ,
& he ful chauncely hatȝ chosen to þe chef gate
Þat broȝt bremly þe burne to þe bryge ende
in haste;
Þe bryge watȝ breme vp-brayde,
Þe ȝateȝ wer stoken faste,


Þe walleȝ were wel arayed,
Hit dut no wyndeȝ blaste.


Þe burne bode on bonk, þat on blonk houed,
Of þe depe double dich þat drof to þe place,
Þe walle wod in þe water wonderly depe,
Ande eft a ful huge heȝt hit haled vpon lofte,
Of harde hewen ston vp to þe tableȝ,
Enbaned vnder þe abataylment, in þe best lawe;
& syþen garyteȝ ful gaye gered bi-twene,
Wyth mony luflych loupe þat louked ful clene;
A better barbican þat burne blusched vpon neuer;
& innermore he be-helde þat halle ful hyȝe,
Towre[s] telded bytwene, trochet ful þik,
Fayre fylyoleȝ þat fyȝed, & ferlyly long,
With coruon coprounes, craftyly sleȝe;
Chalk-whyt chymnees þer ches he in-noȝe,
Vpon bastel roueȝ þat blenked ful quyte;
So mony pynakle payntet watȝ poudred ay-quere
Among þe castel carneleȝ, clambred so þik
Þat pared out of papure purely hit semed.
Þe fre freke on þe fole hit fayr in-n[o]ghe þoȝt
If he myȝt keuer to com þe cloyster wyth-inne,
To herber in þat hostel, whyl halyday lested,
He calde, & sone þer com
A porter pure plesaunt,
On þe wal his ernd he nome
& haylsed þe knyȝt erraunt.


‘Gode sir,’ quoþ Gawan, ‘woldeȝ þou go myn ernde
To þe heȝ lorde of þis hous, herber to craue?’


‘Ȝe, Peter,’ quoþ þe porter, ‘& purely I trow[e]e
Þat ȝe be, wyȝe, welcum to won quyle yow lykeȝ.’
Þen ȝede þe wyȝe [ȝare & com] aȝayn swyþe,
& folke frely hym wyth, to fonge þe knyȝt;
Þay let doun þe grete draȝt & derely out ȝeden
& kneled doun on her knes vpon þe colde erþe
To welcum þis ilk wyȝ, as worþy hom þoȝt;
Þay ȝolden hym þe brode ȝate, ȝarked vp wyde,
& he hem raysed rekenly & rod ouer þe brygge;
Sere seggeȝ hym sesed by sadel, quel he lyȝt,
& syþen stabeled his stede stif men in-noȝe.
Knyȝteȝ & swyereȝ comen doun þenne
For to bryng þis buurne wyth blys in-to halle;
Quen he hef vp his helme, þer hiȝed in-noghe
For to hent hit at his honde, þe hende to seruen,
His bronde & his blasoun boþe þay token.
Þen haylsed he ful hendly þo haþeleȝ vch one,
& mony proud mon þer presed, þat prynce to honour;
Alle hasped in his heȝ wede to halle þay hym wonnen,
Þer fayre fyre vpon flet fersly brenned.
Þenne þe lorde of þe lede louteȝ fro his chambre
For to mete wyth menske þe mon on þe flor;
He sayde, ‘ȝe are welcum to w[on]e as yow lykeȝ;
Þat here is, al is yowre awen, to haue at yowre wylle
& welde.’
‘Graunt mercy,’ quoþ Gawayn,
‘Þer Kryst hit yow for-ȝelde,’
As frekeȝ þat semed fayn
Ayþer oþer in armeȝ con felde.



Gawayn glyȝt on þe gome þat godly hym gret,
& þuȝt hit a bolde burne þat þe burȝ aȝte,
A hoge haþel for þe noneȝ, & of hyghe eldee;
Brode, bryȝt watȝ his berde, & al beuer-hwed,
Sturne, stif on þe stryþþe on stal-worth schonkeȝ,
Felle face as þe fyre, & fre of hys speche;
& wel hym semed forsoþe, as þe segge þuȝt,
To lede a lortschyp in lee of leudeȝ ful gode.
Þe lorde hym charred to a chambre, & c[h]e[f]ly cumaundeȝ
To delyuer hym a leude, hym loȝly to serue;
& þere were boun at his bode burneȝ in-noȝe
Þat broȝt hym to a bryȝt boure, þer beddyng watȝ noble
Of cortynes of clene sylk wyth cler golde hemmeȝ,
& couertoreȝ ful curious with comlych paneȝ,
Of bryȝt blaunner a-boue enbrawded bisydeȝ,
Rudeleȝ rennande on ropeȝ, red golde ryngeȝ,
Tapyteȝ tyȝt to þe woȝe, of Tuly & Tars,
& vnder fete, on þe flet, of folȝande sute.
Þer he watȝ dispoyled, wyth specheȝ of myerþe,
Þe burn of his bruny & of his bryȝt wedeȝ;
Ryche robes ful rad renkkeȝ h[y]m broȝten,
For to charge & to chaunge & chose of þe best.
Sone as he on hent, & [watȝ] happed þer-inne,
Þat sete on hy[m] semly, wyth saylande skyrteȝ,
Þe ver by his uisage verayly hit semed
Wel neȝ to vche haþel alle ou[er] hwes,
Lowande & lufly, alle his lymmeȝ vnder.
Þat a comloker knyȝt neuer Kryst made,


hem þoȝt;
Wheþen in worlde he were,
Hit semed as he m[o]ȝt
Be prynce with-outen pere
In felde þer felle men f[o]ȝt.


A cheyer by-fore þe chemne, þer charcole brenned,
Watȝ grayþed for sir Gawan grayþely with cloþeȝ,
[Qu]yssynes vpon queldepoyntes, þa[t] koynt wer boþe;
& þenne a mere mantyle watȝ on þat mon cast,
Of a broun bleeaunt, enbrauded ful ryche,
& fayre furred wyth-inne with felleȝ of þe best,
Alle of ermyn in erde, his hode of þe same;
& he sete in þat settel semlych ryche,
& achaufed hym c[h]efly, & þenne his cher mended.
Sone watȝ telded vp a ta[b]i[l] on tresteȝ ful fayre,
Clad wyth a clene cloþe þat cler quyt schewed,
Sanap & salure & syluer-in sponeȝ;
Þe wyȝe wesche at his wylle, & went to his mete.
Seggeȝ hym serued semly in-noȝe
Wyth sere sewes & sete, sesounde of þe best,
Double-felde, as hit falleȝ, & fele kyn fischeȝ;
Summe baken in bred, summe brad on þe gledeȝ,
Summe soþen, summe in sewe, sauered with spyces,
& ay saw[s]es so sleȝe, þat þe segge lyked.
Þe freke calde hit a fest ful frely & ofte,
Ful hendely, quen alle þe haþeles re-hayted hym at oneȝ
as hende,—
‘Þis penaunce now ȝe take,
& eft hit schal amende.’


Þat mon much merþe con make,
For wyn in his hed þat wende.


Þenne watȝ spyed & spured, vpon spare wyse,
Bi preue poynteȝ of þat prynce, put to hymseluen,
Þat he be-knew cortaysly of þe court þat he were,
Þat aþel Arthure þe hende haldeȝ hym one,
Þat is þe ryche ryal kyng of þe Rounde Table;
& hit watȝ Wawen hym-self þat in þat won sytteȝ,
Comen to þat krystmasse, as case hym þen lymped.
When þe lorde hade lerned þat he þe leude hade,
Loude laȝed he þerat, so lef hit hym þoȝt,
& alle þe men in þat mote maden much joye
To apere in his presense prestly þat tyme,
Þat alle prys & prowes & pured þewes
Apendes to hys persoun, & praysed is euer;
By-fore alle men vpon molde his mensk is þe most.
Vch segge ful softly sayde to his fere,
‘Now schal we semlych se sleȝteȝ of þeweȝ
& þe teccheles termes of talkyng noble;
Wich spede is in speche, vnspurd may we lerne,
Syn we haf fonged þat fyne fader of nurture;
God hatȝ geuen vs his grace godly forsoþe,
Þat such a gest as Gawan graunteȝ vs to haue,
When burneȝ blyþe of his burþe schal sitte
& synge.
In menyng of manereȝ mere
Þis burne now schal vs bryng,
I hope þat may hym here
Schal lerne of luf-talkyng.’



Bi þat þe diner watȝ done, & þe dere vp,
Hit watȝ neȝ at þe [n]yȝt neȝed þe tyme;
C[h]aplayneȝ to þe chapeles chosen þe gate,
Rungen ful rychely, ryȝt as þay schulden,
To þe hersum euensong of þe hyȝe tyde.
Þe lorde loutes þerto, & þe lady als,
In-to a comly closet coyntly ho entreȝ;
Gawan glydeȝ ful gay & gos þeder sone;
Þe lorde laches hym by þe lappe & ledeȝ hym to sytte
& couþly hym knoweȝ & calleȝ hym his nome,
& sayde he watȝ þe welcomest wyȝe of þe worlde;
& he hym þonkked þroly, & ayþer halched oþer,
& seten soberly samen þe seruise-quyle.
Þenne lyst þe lady to loke on þe knyȝt;
Þenne com ho of hir closet with mony cler burdeȝ,
Ho watȝ þe fayrest in felle, of flesche & of lyre
& of compas & colour & costes of alle oþer,
& wener þen Wenore, as þe wyȝe þoȝt.
He ches þurȝ þe chaunsel, to cheryche þat hende;
An oþer lady hir lad bi þe lyft honde,
Þat watȝ alder þen ho, an auncian hit semed,
& heȝly honowred with haþeleȝ aboute.
Bot vn-lyke on to loke þo ladyes were,
For if þe ȝonge watȝ ȝep, ȝolȝe watȝ þat oþer;
Riche red on þat on rayled ay-quere,
Rugh ronkled chekeȝ þat oþer on rolled;
Kerchofes of þat on wyth mony cler perleȝ,
Hir brest & hir bryȝt þrote bare displayed,
Schon schyrer þen snawe þat schede[ȝ] on hilleȝ;
Þat oþer wyth a gorger watȝ gered ouer þe swyre,
Chymbled ouer hir blake chyn with [cha]lk-quyte vayles,


Hir frount folden in sylk, enfoubled ay-quere,
Toret & treleted with tryfleȝ aboute,
Þat noȝt watȝ bare of þat burde bot þe blake broȝes,
Þe tweyne yȝen & þe nase, þe naked lyppeȝ,
& þose were soure to se & sellyly blered;
A mensk lady on molde mon may hir calle,
for Gode;
Hir body watȝ schort & þik,
Hir buttokeȝ bay & brode;
More lykker-wys on to lyk
Watȝ þat scho hade on lode.


When Gawayn glyȝt on þat gay þat graciously loked,
Wyth leue laȝt of þe lorde he [l]ent hem aȝaynes;
Þe alder he haylses, heldande ful lowe,
Þe loueloker he lappeȝ a lyttel in armeȝ,
He kysses hir comlyly & knyȝtly he meleȝ;
Þay kallen hym of a-quoyntaunce, & he hit quyk askeȝ
To be her seruaunt sothly, if hem-self lyked.
Þay tan hym bytwene hem, wyth talkyng hym leden
To chambre, to chemne, & chefly þay asken
Spyceȝ, þat vn-sparely men speded hom to bryng,
& þe wynne-lych wyne þer-with vche tyme.
Þe lorde luflych aloft lepeȝ ful ofte,
Mynned merthe to be made vpon mony syþeȝ,
Hent heȝly of his hode, & on a spere henged,
& wayned hom to wynne þe worchip þer-of
Þat most myrþe myȝt meue þat crystenmas whyle;


‘& I schal fonde, bi my fayth, to fylter wyth þe best,
Er me wont þe wede, with help of my frendeȝ.’
Þus wyth laȝande loteȝ þe lorde hit tayt makeȝ,
For to glade sir Gawayn with gomneȝ in halle
þat nyȝt,
Til þat hit watȝ tyme
Þe [lord] comaundet lyȝt;
Sir Gawen his leue con nyme
& to his bed hym diȝt.


On þe morne, as vch mon myneȝ þat tyme
Þat dryȝtyn for oure destyne to deȝe watȝ borne,
Wele waxeȝ in vche a won in worlde for his sake;
So did hit þere on þat day, þurȝ dayntes mony;
Boþe at mes & at mele messes ful quaynt
Derf men vpon dece drest of þe best.
Þe olde auncian wyf heȝest ho sytteȝ;
Þe lorde lufly her by lent as I trowe;
Gawan & þe gay burde to-geder þay seten
Euen in-myddeȝ, as þe messe metely come;
& syþen þurȝ al þe sale, as hem best semed,
Bi vche grome at his degre grayþely watȝ serued.
Þer watȝ mete, þer watȝ myrþe, þer watȝ much ioye,
Þat for to telle þerof hit me tene were,
& to poynte hit ȝet I pyned me parauenture;
Bot ȝet I wot þat Wawen & þe wale burde
Such comfort of her compaynye caȝten to-geder
Þurȝ her dere dalyaunce of her derne wordeȝ,
Wyth clene cortays carp, closed fro fylþe,
[Þat] hor play watȝ passande vche prynce gomen,
in vayres;


Trumpeȝ & nakerys,
Much pypyng þer repayres,
Vche mon tented hys,
& þay two tented þayres.


Much dut watȝ þer dryuen þat day & þat oþer,
& þe þryd as þro þronge in þerafter,
Þe ioye of sayn Joneȝ day watȝ gentyle to here,
& watȝ þe last of þe layk, leudeȝ þer þoȝten.
Þer wer gestes to go vpon þe gray morne,
For-þy wonderly þay woke, & þe wyn dronken,
Daunsed ful dreȝly wyth dere caroleȝ.
At þe last, when hit watȝ late, þay lachen her leue,
Vchon to wende on his way þat watȝ wyȝe str[a]nge.
Gawan gef hym god day, þe god-mon hym lachcheȝ,
Ledes hym to his awen chambre, þe [c]hymne bysyde,
& þere he draȝeȝ hym on dryȝe, & derely hym þonkkeȝ
Of þe wynne worschip [þat] he hym wayned hade,
As to honour his hous on þat hyȝe tyde,
& enbelyse his burȝ with his bele chere.
‘I-wysse, sir, quyl I leue, me worþeȝ þe better
Þat Gawayn hatȝ ben my gest at Goddeȝ awen fest.’
‘Grant [m]erci, sir,’ quoþ Gawayn, ‘in god fayth hit is yowreȝ,
Al þe honour is your awen, þe heȝe kyng yow ȝelde;
& I am, wyȝe, at your wylle, to worch youre hest,


As I am halden þer-to in hyȝe & in loȝe,
bi riȝt.’
Þe lorde fast can hym payne
To holde lenger þe knyȝt,
To hym answreȝ Gawayn
Bi non way þat he myȝt.


Then frayned þe freke ful fayre at him-seluen
Quat derue dede had hym dryuen, at þat dere tyme
So kenly fro þe kyngeȝ kourt to kayre al his one,
Er þe halidayeȝ holly were halet out of toun.
‘For soþe, sir,’ quoþ þe segge, ‘ȝe sayn bot þe trawþe,
A heȝe ernde & a hasty me hade fro þo woneȝ,
For I am sumned my-selfe to sech to a place,
I [ne] wot in worlde wheder-warde to wende hit to fynde;
I nolde bot if I hit negh myȝt on nwȝeres morne
For alle þe londe in-wyth Logres, so me oure Lorde help!
For-þy, sir, þis enquest I require yow here,
Þat ȝe me telle with trawþe, if euer ȝe tale herde
Of þe grene chapel, quere hit on grounde stondeȝ,
& of þe knyȝt þat hit kepes, of colour of grene.
Þer watȝ stabled bi statut a steuen vs by-twene
To mete þat mon at þat mere, ȝif I myȝt last;
& of þat ilk nwȝere bot neked now wonteȝ,
& I wolde loke on þat lede, if God me let wolde,
Gladloker, bi Goddeȝ Sun, þen any god welde!
For-þi, i-wysse, bi ȝowre wylle, wende me bihoues;
Naf I now to busy bot bare þre dayeȝ,
& me als fayn to falle feye as fayly of myyn ernde.’


Þenne laȝande quoþ þe lorde, ‘now leng þe byhoues,
For I schal teche yow to þa[t] terme bi þe tymeȝ ende,
Þe grene chapayle vpon grounde greue yow no more;
Bot ȝe schal be in yowre bed, burne, at þyn ese,
Quyle forth dayeȝ, & ferk on þe fyrst of þe ȝere,
& cum to þat merk at mydmorn, to make quat yow likeȝ
in spenne;
Dowelleȝ whyle newȝeres daye,
& rys & raykeȝ þenne,
Mon schal yow sette in waye,
Hit is not two myle henne.’


Þenne watȝ Gawan ful glad, & gomenly he laȝed,—
‘Now I þonk yow þryuandely þurȝ alle oþer þynge,
Now acheued is my chaunce, I schal at your wylle
Dowelle, & elleȝ do quat-[so] ȝe demen.’
Þenne sesed hym þe syre & set hym bysyde,
Let þe ladieȝ be fette, to lyke hem þe better;
Þer watȝ seme solace by hem-self stille;
Þe lorde let for luf loteȝ so myry,
As wyȝ þat wolde of his wyte, ne wyst quat he myȝt.
Þenne he carped to þe knyȝt, criande loude,
‘Ȝe han demed to do þe dede þat I bidde.
Wyl ȝe halde þis hes here at þys oneȝ?’
‘Ȝe, sir, forsoþe,’ sayd þe segge trwe,
‘Whyl I byde in yowre borȝe, be bayn to ȝow[r]e hest.’


‘For ȝe haf trauayled,’ quoþ þe tulk, ‘towen fro ferre,
& syþen waked me wyth, ȝe arn not wel waryst
Nauþer of sostnaunce ne of slepe, soþly I knowe;
Ȝe schal lenge in your lofte & lyȝe in your ese
To-morn quyle þe messe-quyle, & to mete wende,
When ȝe wyl, wyth my wyf, þat wyth yow schal sitte
& comfort yow with compayny, til I to cort torne;
ȝe lende;
& I schal erly ryse,
On huntyng wyl I wende.’
Gauayn granteȝ alle þyse,
Hym heldande, as þe hende.


‘Ȝet firre,’ quoþ þe freke, ‘a forwarde we make;
Quat-so-euer I wynne in þe wod, hit worþeȝ to youreȝ;
& quat chek so ȝe acheue, chaunge me þer-forne;
Swete, swap we so—sware with trawþe—
Queþer, leude, so lymp lere oþer better.’
‘Bi God,’ quoþ Gawayn þe gode, ‘I grant þer-tylle,
& þat yow lyst forto layke, lef hit me þynkes.
‘Who bryngeȝ vs þ[e] beuerage, þis bargayn is maked,’
So sayde þe lorde of þat lede; þay laȝed vchone.
Þay dronken & daylyeden & dalten vntyȝtel,
Þise lordeȝ & ladyeȝ, quyle þat hem lyked;
& syþen with frenkysch fare & fele fayre loteȝ
Þay stoden & stemed & stylly speken,
Kysten ful comlyly & kaȝten her leue.
With mony leude ful lyȝt & lemande torches


Vche burne to his bed watȝ broȝt at þe laste
ful softe;
To bed ȝet er þay ȝede,
Recorded couenaunteȝ ofte;
Þe olde lorde of þat leude
Cowþe wel halde layk a-lofte.